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Mind Over Money: Archive

Kevin Cook

FinTech Insights From the Experts: FT Partners' Steve McLaughlin

Exuberance for Bitcoin, BNPL, and daytrading saw valuations soar in 2021 and now it's time to sift the wreckage.

MSTRPositive Net Change PYPLPositive Net Change SQPositive Net Change COINPositive Net Change HOODPositive Net Change

Kevin Cook

Crash of the iBuyers: Housing Markets Feel the Hangover

The so-called "instant" home buyers added good liquidity and fast options that will be missed by some.

TOLPositive Net Change ZPositive Net Change OPENPositive Net Change RDFNNegative Net Change OPADNo Net Change

Kevin Cook

The College Investor: Road Maps To Flipping Debt Into Wealth Plans

Robert Farrington has been on a mission for over a decade to turn Millennials into Millionaires.

AAPLNegative Net Change NVDAPositive Net Change SHOPNegative Net Change SQPositive Net Change CRWDNegative Net Change

Kevin Cook

Advice for Gen Z & Millennial Investors On Bear Markets in Stocks & Crypto

I wish I knew a tenth of what Zechariah knows about investing when I was in my 20s.

AMDPositive Net Change ATVINegative Net Change NVDAPositive Net Change TWTRPositive Net Change METAPositive Net Change

Kevin Cook

Crypto and Blockchain Get a Gut Check on Risk and Stability

Risk management is not a science and still fully subject to the whims of human emotion and the madness of crowds.

CMEPositive Net Change MSTRPositive Net Change PYPLPositive Net Change ARKKPositive Net Change COINPositive Net Change

Kevin Cook

Get Your Money Game in Top Shape with Mark Harvey, the MoneyPlan Coach

In the jungle of personal finance advice, the best offense is a great set of tools that clarify and inspire action.

JPMPositive Net Change CMEPositive Net Change MARNegative Net Change RKTPositive Net Change CDNSPositive Net Change

Kevin Cook

Value Stocks vs. Ridiculously Over-valued Stocks

Mind Over Money welcomes back portfolio manager Nathan Miller of Emles Advisors to get our investing battle plans locked and loaded.

KSSNegative Net Change SIGPositive Net Change TSLAPositive Net Change CWHNegative Net Change PTONPositive Net Change

Kevin Cook

Finding Value in a Sea of Bubbles: Stocks to Win When the Cloud Bursts

Before Tech Bubble 2.0 pops, investors have a great place to grow besides cash.

LMTNegative Net Change KSSNegative Net Change SIGPositive Net Change TSLAPositive Net Change CWHNegative Net Change RHNegative Net Change PTONPositive Net Change

Kevin Cook

ESG Investing and Global Poverty: How Can We Help?

Climate science suggests that economic conditions for world's poorest countries will implode.

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Kevin Cook

EV Trucks: Will They Fly?

While I believe the F-150 Lightning is a game-changer, there are skeptics about America's readiness for quiet, efficient workhorses.

FPositive Net Change AMDPositive Net Change GMPositive Net Change TSLAPositive Net Change ARKQPositive Net Change

Kevin Cook

Flight Plan for Trading: Market Lessons from My Pilot Dad

Learning to fly an airplane can build an excellent structured thought process for navigating markets.

BANegative Net Change EWPositive Net Change UALPositive Net Change SPCEPositive Net Change ARKXPositive Net Change

Kevin Cook

Inflation Perfect Storm: The Fed's Dual Conundrum

As inflation takes off, the Fed may be trapped to let it run very hot just to get employment back.

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Kevin Cook

5 Best ETFs for Young Investors

As more young investors take up day trading, I have an important recipe for long-term wealth creation.

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Kevin Cook

Shop-From-Home Winners: How Pandemic Crisis Breeds Adaptation

E-commerce technology and behavior drive each other in a never-ending innovation feedback loop.

RHNegative Net Change SHOPNegative Net Change SFIXPositive Net Change CPRIPositive Net Change BIGCPositive Net Change

Kevin Cook

Throne of Games: How NVIDIA and Microsoft Rule

Gaming-as-a-Service (GaaS) heats up during COVID and reasserts that content is still king.

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Kevin Cook

Stress-Free Wealth Creation with Chad Willardson

The right financial advisor is conflict-free and dedicated to your investments' growth, not their commissions.

MSFTPositive Net Change NVDAPositive Net Change AMZNNegative Net Change AAPLNegative Net Change TSLAPositive Net Change

Kevin Cook

Benjamin Hardy Says Personality Isn't Permanent

What if I told you that willpower doesn't work? Well, take it from a guy who became a top-ranked blogger, got his PhD, and adopted 3 foster kids -- all in just 3 years!

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Kevin Cook

Training Your Brain to Work For You with Dr. Jud Brewer

Are you still relying on will power to change your habits? A little neuroscience will cure that.

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Kevin Cook

How to Become Indistractable: A Wizard's Manual by Nir Eyal

If you want to learn the #1 skill of the future, listen to the engineer of habit-forming products and apps.

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Kevin Cook

Fast Times at Innovation High (Part 3)

Your decision-making methods can be one of the most exciting and productive areas of your life and business to ignite innovation.

FPositive Net Change NVDAPositive Net Change AAPLNegative Net Change TMPositive Net Change GMPositive Net Change TSLAPositive Net Change FBPositive Net Change TWTRPositive Net Change SNAPPositive Net Change

Kevin Cook

Fast Times at Innovation High (Part 2)

Imagine what you could learn about running your business and your life by studying great companies.

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Kevin Cook

Get Your Mind Into Alpha Trading States with London's Top Coaches

The trading game is so much tougher now with algos ripping and squeezing every edge -- except the ones you control.

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Kevin Cook

Fast Times at Innovation High, Part 1

Imagine what you could learn about running your business and your life by studying great companies.

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Kevin Cook

Tech Investing 101: Know, Buy, Hold Disruptive Growth

Investors who missed the great rallies in Apple and Microsoft have been wondering why, and wishing they listened to Dan Ives.

MSFTPositive Net Change AAPLNegative Net Change DISNegative Net Change NFLXPositive Net Change TSLAPositive Net Change GOOGLPositive Net Change AYXPositive Net Change

Kevin Cook

Coronavirus: Epidemic or Pandemic?

The current geometric rate of transmission implies that over 100,000 people could be infected by early February.

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