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Mind Over Money: Archive

Kevin Cook

AI in Action: Deep Learning Cracks Poker Code (Part I)

How engineers taught a computer to beat poker pros using its "intuition"

IBMPositive Net Change BABAPositive Net Change GOOGLPositive Net Change FEYEPositive Net Change

Kevin Cook

Thaler's Nobel: Brilliant, Lazy, Humble

After this high-profile prize in economics, investors might just be ready to admit how irrational they can be.

QQQPositive Net Change SPYPositive Net Change IWMPositive Net Change

Kevin Cook

Monty Hall and Probability 101

In honor of the late great Let's Make a Deal host, I offer some good and fun reasons to learn more math.

MGMNegative Net Change GOOGLPositive Net Change MSFTPositive Net Change

Kevin Cook

The Secret Meaning of FANG

Beyond a mere momentum fad, 3 of these companies are part of a tech renaissance that will last decades.

AMZNNegative Net Change FBPositive Net Change GOOGLPositive Net Change MSFTPositive Net Change

Kevin Cook

Indecision Won't Kill You, But It Will Take Your Money

The pitfalls and powers of decision-making for traders and investors could be a model for everyone else.

GILDNegative Net Change CELGPositive Net Change KITENegative Net Change BLUEPositive Net Change

Kevin Cook

What You See, and What You Get: The Neurology of Perception

While "the biotech century" cures cancer, it's also tackling dozens of neurological diseases investors should learn about.

ALKSNegative Net Change BIIBPositive Net Change SGMONegative Net Change SRPTPositive Net Change

Kevin Cook

Why the Apple Ecosphere Could Own Augmented Reality

One analyst predicts AR/VR markets to grow to $100 billion in 4 years and diagrams 4 hardware + software waves Apple owns.

BABAPositive Net Change FBPositive Net Change GOOGLPositive Net Change AAPLNegative Net Change

Kevin Cook

The E.T. Economy: Disruptive Technology and the Behavior of Shopping

Kevin Cook dives into the disruptive technology that creates new shopping behavior, and vice versa.

BABAPositive Net Change FBPositive Net Change SHOPNegative Net Change GOOGLPositive Net Change

Kevin Cook

What to Do Before the Machines Take Over

Could automation and AI wipe out a billion jobs in the next decade and create an inequality chasm?

AMZNNegative Net Change GOOGLPositive Net Change TSLAPositive Net Change MSFTPositive Net Change

Kevin Cook

Irrational Demands: Of Anchors, Pearls, and Procrastination

While Dan Ariely's first book offered a shocking view of human behavior, Payoff may change your life for the better

AMZNNegative Net Change FBPositive Net Change GOOGLPositive Net Change

Kevin Cook

Brains Prefer Stories to Make Decisions

Looking at the neuroscience -- and the Hollywood science -- behind the power of stories.

SPYPositive Net Change IWMPositive Net Change QQQPositive Net Change

Kevin Cook

SaaSy B2B Sales Are in the Clouds

One way to keep in tune with the leading edge of the economy is to study the innovations in software.

CSCONegative Net Change AMZNNegative Net Change HUBSPositive Net Change MSFTPositive Net Change

Kevin Cook

The Most Important Market in the World

While the country leans toward protecting our borders in multiple ways, there???s an even more attractive market for you to invest in.

WFCNegative Net Change SPYPositive Net Change XLFPositive Net Change

Kevin Cook

The Evolution of Risk-Taking

Trading is one of the hardest day jobs in the world - what drives those who succeed at it?

Kevin Cook

Inside the Mind of Bill Ackman As Valeant Collapsed

How one of the smartest minds on Wall Street was blinded by belief and abandoned due diligence.

CPPositive Net Change MTNPositive Net Change HLFPositive Net Change

Kevin Cook

How Small Traders Win in the Era of Algos

While Renaissance Technologies makes most other hedge funds look foolish, even the independent trader can copy their discipline.

NFLXPositive Net Change PANWPositive Net Change

Kevin Cook

Big Economic Shifts Challenge Your Decision-Making

Learn about your cognitive biases to make better decisions with your money and investing.

TLTNegative Net Change XLFPositive Net Change XLKPositive Net Change