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Zacks Equity Research

4 Healthcare Stocks Poised to Beat Q2 Earnings Estimates

Expanding aging population and the increasing demand for affordable health products are likely to have boosted the performance of healthcare stocks in Q2. CI, UHS, HCA & THC are potential outperformers.

UHSNegative Net Change CINegative Net Change THCPositive Net Change HCAPositive Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

Will These 5 Medical Device Stocks Beat This Earnings Season?

Medical Device companies' quarterly results are likely to reflect strength in customer demand. Let's see how INSP, MCK, FMS, NVRO and INGN are placed ahead of their earnings releases.

MCKPositive Net Change FMSNegative Net Change INGNPositive Net Change NVRONegative Net Change INSPPositive Net Change

Kinjel Shah

Watch These 5 Drug Stocks for Q1 Earnings: Beat or Miss?

Let us look at five drug, generic companies, PRGO, IOVA, VTRS, TEVA and ACAD, which are gearing up for their earnings release this week.

TEVAPositive Net Change PRGOPositive Net Change ACADNegative Net Change IOVANegative Net Change VTRSPositive Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

What's in Store for These 5 Medical Device Stocks in Q1 Earnings?

Here is a sneak peek into how five medical device stocks, BDX, BAX, XRAY, CAH and DVA, might fare in their quarterly results slated to be released tomorrow.

BDXNegative Net Change BAXNegative Net Change DVAPositive Net Change CAHNegative Net Change XRAYNegative Net Change

Urmimala Biswas

Will These 5 MedTech Stocks Beat Forecasts This Earnings Season?

Here is a sneak peek into how the five MedTech stocks, HOLX, ZBH, ILMN, TFX and BRKR, are expected to fare in their quarterly results slated to be released tomorrow.

ILMNNegative Net Change HOLXPositive Net Change TFXPositive Net Change BRKRNegative Net Change ZBHNegative Net Change

Ankita Gupta

Watch These 5 Construction Stocks for Q1 Earnings: Beat or Miss?

The Zacks Construction sector is set to report strong results on the back of a solid housing market scenario amid labor woes.

PWRNegative Net Change VMCPositive Net Change MTZPositive Net Change FTDRNegative Net Change HWMNegative Net Change

Shabad Punjabi

4 Internet Software Stocks' Q1 Earnings Coming Up: Beat or Miss?

Here we take a sneak peek at four stocks in the Zacks Computer and Technology sector due to report first-quarter 2024 earnings on May 2.

FTNTPositive Net Change PCTYPositive Net Change WKNegative Net Change NETPositive Net Change

Indrajit Bandyopadhyay

What's in Store for These 4 Medical Device Stocks in Q1 Earnings?

Here is a sneak peek into how the four medical device stocks, COR, GKOS, ARAY and SRDX, might fare in their quarterly results slated to be release tomorrow.

ARAYNo Net Change SRDXNegative Net Change CORNegative Net Change GKOSPositive Net Change

Nilanjan Banerjee

Will These 3 Energy Stocks Beat Q1 Earnings Forecasts?

Favorable commodity prices are likely to have aided the upstream business. Let's see how EOG Resources (EOG), ConocoPhillips (COP) and Coterra Energy (CTRA) are placed ahead of Q1 earnings.

COPNegative Net Change EOGNegative Net Change CTRANegative Net Change

Supriyo Bose

Can These 3 Wireless Equipment Stocks Hit Earnings Targets?

Qualcomm (QCOM), Motorola (MSI) and InterDigital (IDCC) are lined up to report their quarterly numbers this week.

QCOMNegative Net Change ERICNegative Net Change NOKPositive Net Change MSINegative Net Change IDCCNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

Are These 4 Internet Services Stocks Poised to Hit Q1 Earnings Targets?

Here we take a sneak peek at four Internet services stocks, namely, ZG, UPWK, DASH and ETSY, due to report their first-quarter earnings on May 1.

ETSYNegative Net Change ZGNegative Net Change UPWKPositive Net Change DASHPositive Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

Will These 5 Drug/Biotech Stocks Beat Q1 Earnings Forecast?

Let's look at five large-cap pharma/biotech companies slated to release quarterly results this week.

REGNNegative Net Change PFEPositive Net Change NVOPositive Net Change AMGNPositive Net Change MRNANegative Net Change

Vasundhara Sawalka

4 Semiconductor Stocks' Earnings Coming Up: What to Expect

Here, we take a sneak peek at four semiconductor stocks due to report first-quarter earnings on May 1.

WOLFNegative Net Change MPWRNegative Net Change AEISNegative Net Change QRVONegative Net Change

Debanjana Dey

Can the 4 Medical Device Stocks Hit Targets This Earnings Season?

Medical Device companies' quarterly results are likely to reflect strength in customer demand. Let's see how COR, GKOS, SRDX and ARAY are placed ahead of their earnings releases.

ARAYNo Net Change SRDXNegative Net Change CORNegative Net Change GKOSPositive Net Change

Shilpa Mete

What's in Store for These 4 Technology Stocks in Q1 Earnings?

Here is a sneak peek at how four technology stocks, GRMN, DFIN, CTSH and GNRC, are likely to fare in their quarterly results slated to be released on May 1.

GRMNNegative Net Change CTSHNegative Net Change GNRCNegative Net Change DFINPositive Net Change

Subham Roy

Can These 4 Internet Software Stocks Hit Q1 Earnings Targets?

Here, we take a sneak peek into how these Internet software stocks - PAYC, DAY, FRSH, and FSLY - are poised ahead of their earnings releases.

FRSHNegative Net Change PAYCPositive Net Change FSLYNo Net Change DAYPositive Net Change

Anirudha Bhagat

Watch These 4 Electronics Stocks This Earnings: Beat or Miss?

Here, we take a sneak peek into how these electronics stocks - FLEX, AVT, FORM and ENTG - are poised ahead of their earnings releases.

AVTNegative Net Change FORMNegative Net Change FLEXNegative Net Change ENTGNegative Net Change

Moumita C. Chattopadhyay

Watch These 3 Residential REITs for Q1 Earnings: Beat or Miss?

Residential REITs are likely to have gained from portfolio diversification and technological initiatives in Q1, though high supply and elevated interest rates are likely to have acted as dampeners.

UDRNegative Net Change MAANegative Net Change ESSPositive Net Change

Nilanshi Mukherjee

What's in Store for These 4 Technology Stocks in Q1 Earnings?

Here we take a sneak peek at four stocks, AMD, IPGP, LFUS and SWKS, in the Zacks Computer and Technology sector due to report their first-quarter earnings on Apr 30.

AMDNegative Net Change SWKSNegative Net Change LFUSNegative Net Change IPGPNegative Net Change

Shilpa Mete

What's in Store for These 4 Software Stocks This Earnings Season?

Here is a sneak peek into how four software stocks, PYPL, BLKB, CVLT and PINS, are expected to fare in their quarterly results slated to be released on Apr 30.

MSFTNegative Net Change CVLTNegative Net Change BLKBPositive Net Change PYPLNegative Net Change PINSNegative Net Change

Indrajit Bandyopadhyay

What's in Store for These 5 Medical Device Stocks in Q1 Earnings?

Here is a sneak peek into how the five medical device stocks, SYK, GEHC, ECL, NARI and MMSI, might fare in their quarterly results slated to be released tomorrow.

ECLPositive Net Change SYKPositive Net Change MMSIPositive Net Change NARIPositive Net Change GEHCNegative Net Change

Tanuka De

Watch These 5 Insurance Stocks for Q1 Earnings: Beat or Miss?

Insurers like AJG, WTW, HIG, CINF and KNSL are due to report first-quarter 2024 earnings tomorrow. Let's see what's in store for them.

HIGNegative Net Change CINFNegative Net Change AJGNegative Net Change WTWNegative Net Change KNSLNegative Net Change

Urmimala Biswas

Watch These 3 MedTech Stocks This Earnings Season: Beat or Miss?

Here is a sneak peek into how the three major MedTech stocks, LH, EW and RMD, are expected to fare in their quarterly results slated to be released tomorrow.

LHNegative Net Change EWPositive Net Change RMDNegative Net Change

Vasundhara Sawalka

What's in Store for These 5 Technology Stocks in Q1 Earnings?

Here we take a sneak peek at five stocks in the Zacks Computer and Technology sector due to report first-quarter 2024 earnings on Apr 25.

INTCNegative Net Change STMNegative Net Change MSFTNegative Net Change CHKPNegative Net Change FICOPositive Net Change

Ahan Chakraborty

What's in Store for These 5 Pharma Bigwigs in Q1 Earnings?

Let's look at five biotech/drug companies, MRK, SNY, BMY, GILD and ABBV, slated to release their first quarter 2024 earnings results this week.

SNYPositive Net Change BMYPositive Net Change MRKPositive Net Change GILDNegative Net Change ABBVPositive Net Change