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ETF Spotlight: Archive

Neena Mishra

ETF Spotlight: International Women's Day Special

We feature two very innovative ETFs conceptualized by women.

SSNLFNegative Net Change TSMPositive Net Change IVOLNegative Net Change FRDMPositive Net Change

Neena Mishra

Coronavirus, Big Tech, Tesla & An ETF to Invest in Disruption

Neena Mishra speaks with Gene Munster about the impact of coronavirus on tech stocks and a disruptive ETF.

MSFTPositive Net Change AAPLPositive Net Change BIDUPositive Net Change AMDPositive Net Change TSLAPositive Net Change GOOGLPositive Net Change LITEPositive Net Change LOUPPositive Net Change UBERNegative Net Change

Neena Mishra

IPOs Rebound in 2020: ETFs to Play

What lies ahead for IPOs in 2020?

FBPositive Net Change IPOSPositive Net Change IPOPositive Net Change DOCUPositive Net Change SPOTPositive Net Change ZMNegative Net Change UBERNegative Net Change BYNDPositive Net Change SPCEPositive Net Change LYFTNegative Net Change

Neena Mishra

QQQ: Superstar ETF of the Decade; Here???s Why

Here's what investors need to know about QQQ, one of the best performing ETF of the past decade.

MSFTPositive Net Change AMZNPositive Net Change AAPLPositive Net Change TSLAPositive Net Change QQQPositive Net Change FBPositive Net Change GOOGLPositive Net Change

Neena Mishra

Can Biotech ETFs Continue to Soar in 2020?

We discuss coronavirus, cancer drugs, gene therapies, crispr and related biotech stocks & ETFs.

BMYNegative Net Change GSKNegative Net Change JNJNegative Net Change RHHBYPositive Net Change XBIPositive Net Change GILDPositive Net Change NVAXNegative Net Change MRNANegative Net Change NNVCNegative Net Change

Neena Mishra

Best Thematic ETFs for 2020: Cloud, Internet of Things & More

Find out more about cloud computing, Internet of Things, video games and infrastructure ETFs.

AMZNPositive Net Change SHOPPositive Net Change TWLOPositive Net Change SWKSNegative Net Change MSFTPositive Net Change SNSRNegative Net Change DXCMPositive Net Change HEROPositive Net Change EAPositive Net Change NVDAPositive Net Change ZSPositive Net Change PAVEPositive Net Change GXTGNegative Net Change

Neena Mishra

Best Thematic ETFs for 2020: Cloud, Internet of Things & More

Find out more about cloud computing, Internet of Things, video games and infrastructure ETFs.

AMZNPositive Net Change SHOPPositive Net Change TWLOPositive Net Change SWKSNegative Net Change MSFTPositive Net Change SNSRNegative Net Change DXCMPositive Net Change HEROPositive Net Change EAPositive Net Change NVDAPositive Net Change ZSPositive Net Change CLOUPositive Net Change PAVEPositive Net Change

Neena Mishra

10 ETFs for 2020

Here are some interesting ETF picks for the year.

IHDGPositive Net Change DONPositive Net Change MCHINegative Net Change GDXPositive Net Change EDIVNegative Net Change KBWBNegative Net Change QVALPositive Net Change COMBPositive Net Change

Neena Mishra

Should You Invest in Factor & Smart Beta ETFs?

Here is what investors need to know about factor investing.

AAPLPositive Net Change MSFTPositive Net Change SPHQPositive Net Change GSLCPositive Net Change LRGFPositive Net Change USMVPositive Net Change QUALPositive Net Change

Neena Mishra

Top ETF Stories of 2019 & Picks for 2020

We discuss the 2019 trends and what to watch for 2020.

XLFPositive Net Change VGTPositive Net Change LQDNegative Net Change XLKPositive Net Change QUALPositive Net Change USSGPositive Net Change SUSLPositive Net Change

Neena Mishra

Best ETF Strategies for 2020

How should you position your portfolio for 2020? Here are some ideas.

XBIPositive Net Change XHEPositive Net Change QUSNegative Net Change SDYPositive Net Change XSWPositive Net Change SPYPositive Net Change GLDMPositive Net Change LGLVNegative Net Change

Neena Mishra

Tax Loss Harvesting & Capital Gains: What ETF Investors Should Know

We discuss some smart tax moves investors should consider before the end of the year.

BNDNegative Net Change JNKPositive Net Change AGGNegative Net Change VNQNegative Net Change SPYPositive Net Change UBERNegative Net Change LYFTNegative Net Change PTONNegative Net Change

Neena Mishra

2 Innovative Real Estate ETFs

We discuss the first net lease REIT ETF and an ETF that covers all aspects of the housing industry.

LOWPositive Net Change HDPositive Net Change NETLPositive Net Change ITBPositive Net Change VNQNegative Net Change ONegative Net Change STORPositive Net Change NNNNegative Net Change HOMZNegative Net Change

Neena Mishra

Top Performing Leveraged ETFs

We discuss how leveraged and inverse ETFs work and what's hot this year.

BAPositive Net Change AAPLPositive Net Change MSFTPositive Net Change SOXLNegative Net Change TECLPositive Net Change DFENPositive Net Change NAILPositive Net Change

Neena Mishra

Keep Winners & Avoid Losers with This ETF

This new ETF seeks to outperform by avoiding companies that may be failing to adapt to technological disruption.

AMZNPositive Net Change FBPositive Net Change GOOGPositive Net Change AAPLPositive Net Change MSFTPositive Net Change BRK.BNegative Net Change XOMPositive Net Change WMTPositive Net Change BARPositive Net Change

Neena Mishra

Bond ETF Investing: What You Need to Know

Bond ETFs are very popular this year. Here is what investors need to know.

JPSTNegative Net Change JPMBNo Net Change JPGBNegative Net Change JAGGPositive Net Change

Neena Mishra

Is the IPO Party Over? ETFs in Focus

We take a look at the IPO landscape and ETFs that provide a safer way to invest in in newly public companies.

FBPositive Net Change GOOGLPositive Net Change ZOOMNegative Net Change IPOSPositive Net Change IPOPositive Net Change UBERNegative Net Change LYFTNegative Net Change PLMRPositive Net Change BYNDPositive Net Change PTONNegative Net Change

Neena Mishra

ETFs to Invest in Mobile Payments and Drone Economy

These ETFs are posed to benefit from rapid growth of mobile payments and drone industries.

SQNegative Net Change BAPositive Net Change AVAVPositive Net Change IPAYNegative Net Change IFLYPositive Net Change FISPositive Net Change MAPositive Net Change VPositive Net Change GPNNegative Net Change FISVPositive Net Change

Neena Mishra

ETF Market Outlook for Q4 2019

We discuss the ETF market outlook and best strategies for Q4.

XLVPositive Net Change XLRENegative Net Change XLKPositive Net Change XLUPositive Net Change MDYPositive Net Change SPYPositive Net Change

Neena Mishra

Stocks & ETF to Invest in Healthcare Robotics and Innovation

HTEC is poised to benefit from rapid advances in health-care technology.

TRHCPositive Net Change ROBOPositive Net Change ISRGNo Net Change DXCMPositive Net Change GHDXPositive Net Change TDOCPositive Net Change HTECNegative Net Change

Neena Mishra

Should You Buy Vegan Stocks & ETF?

Beyond Meat is one of the hottest IPOs this year and a new ETF aims to capitalize on the trend.

ENRPositive Net Change AMZNPositive Net Change FBPositive Net Change JNJNegative Net Change TSLAPositive Net Change AAPLPositive Net Change MSFTPositive Net Change BRK.BNegative Net Change WMTPositive Net Change BYNDPositive Net Change VEGNPositive Net Change

Neena Mishra

Top REIT ETFs: 5G, Cloud Computing & E-Commerce

Real Estate is among the top performing sectors this year and some specialized REIT ETFs have done much better.

AMZNPositive Net Change CCINegative Net Change AMTNegative Net Change EQIXNegative Net Change DREPositive Net Change LPTPositive Net Change PLDNegative Net Change SRVRNegative Net Change INDSNegative Net Change

Neena Mishra

Why You Should Invest in Dividend Growth ETFs Now

These ETFs hold high-quality companies with strong balance sheets.

LOWPositive Net Change SMDVPositive Net Change NOBLPositive Net Change REGLPositive Net Change EMDVPositive Net Change EUDVPositive Net Change TGTPositive Net Change PGNegative Net Change EFADPositive Net Change

Neena Mishra

The Hottest ETFs of 2019

Solar and clean energy ETFs are among the top performing ETFs this year. We discuss why and what lies ahead.

TANNegative Net Change PBWNegative Net Change ENPHNegative Net Change SEDGNegative Net Change FSLRNegative Net Change

Neena Mishra

Should You Buy China ETFs Now?

Here's what you need to know about investing in China and why you should not ignore China ETFs.

BABAPositive Net Change TCEHYNegative Net Change CNNo Net Change ASHSNegative Net Change ASHRNegative Net Change FXIPositive Net Change USSGPositive Net Change ASHXPositive Net Change