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Mutual Fund Commentary: Archive

Zacks Equity Research

Should Your Mutual Fund Hold Leveraged ETFs?

Investing in ETFs can lead to higher profits but also involves considerable risks. It's a matter of weighing the returns against the volatility associated with these investment approaches.

TECLNegative Net Change HCMGXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 Financial Mutual Funds to Buy With Rate Cuts on the Horizon

PRISX, FIDSX and FSLBX are three top-ranked financial mutual funds that can provide high returns even as the first rate cuts look inevitable in September.

FSLBXNo Net Change FIDSXNegative Net Change PRISXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 Aristotle Mutual Funds for Impressive Returns

Invests in three Aristotle mutual funds PLADX, PLUDX and PLFDX, for diverse growth opportunities.

PLADXNegative Net Change PLFDXNegative Net Change PLUDXNo Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 Tech Mutual Funds to Buy Amid Potential Fed Rate Cut

Invest in tech mutual funds like FSELX, KTCAX and PRSCX to benefit from potential Fed rate cuts and tech sector growth amid current economic trends.

PRSCXNegative Net Change FSELXNegative Net Change KTCAXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

4 Mutual Funds With NVIDIA Exposure to Add to Your Portfolio

Invest in mutual funds like PRPFX, FDCAX, POGAX and ANEFX for steady returns and growth because of their exposure to the juggernaut that is NVIDIA.

MSFTNegative Net Change NVDANegative Net Change FDCAXNegative Net Change ANEFXNegative Net Change PRPFXNegative Net Change POGAXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 Eaton Vance Mutual Funds for Solid Returns

Invest in Eaton Vance mutual funds like EAPCX, EAERX and EAPDX for diverse investment strategies.

EAERXNegative Net Change EAPCXNegative Net Change EAPDXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

Rate Cut Hopes Rise on Cooling Inflation: 3 Funds to Buy

Large-cap growth funds like FSBDX, APGAX and JRAAX are likely to benefit once the Fed starts interest rate cuts.

APGAXNegative Net Change JRAAXNegative Net Change FSBDXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 Growth Funds to Boost Your Portfolio as Rate Cut Hopes Brighten

Funds like BRAGX, FMILX and PNOPX are likely to benefit once the Fed starts interest rate cuts.

PNOPXNegative Net Change BRAGXNegative Net Change FMILXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 Solid Mutual Funds to Buy on Rebounding Semiconductor Sales

Funds like FSELX, FELIX and JNGTX are likely to benefit from the steady growth in semiconductor sales.

FSELXNegative Net Change FELIXNegative Net Change JNGTXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 Large-Cap Value Funds to Buy as Consumer Sentiment Declines

Large-cap value funds like DAGVX, NOLVX and TRVLX are a safe bet amid the ongoing market volatility.

TRVLXNegative Net Change DAGVXNegative Net Change NOLVXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

2 Boston Partners Mutual Funds for Maximum Returns

Invest in Boston Partners mutual funds like BPRRX and BPAVX for a diversified portfolio approach.

BPAVXNegative Net Change BPRRXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

5 Goldman Sachs Mutual Funds to Buy for Long-Term Gains

Invest in Goldman Sachs mutual funds like GLPIX, GMZPX, GMZPX, GVIRX and GMYPX, which have given impressive returns in Q1 and are expected to perform well in the future.

GVIRXNegative Net Change GLPIXPositive Net Change GGYPXNegative Net Change GMZPXNegative Net Change GMYPXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 AMG Mutual Funds for Remarkable Returns

Invest in AMG mutual funds like CHTTX, FQUAX and MCGFX for substantial returns.

CHTTXNegative Net Change MCGFXNegative Net Change FQUAXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 Large-Cap Growth Funds to Buy as Inflation Eases in May

Large-cap growth funds like FSBDX, FBCGX and JRAAX are expected to benefit as cooling inflation is boosting rate cut hopes.

JRAAXNegative Net Change FSBDXNegative Net Change FBCGXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 Must-Buy Funds on Solid Jump in Consumer Spending

Funds like FSRPX, FDLSX and FDFAX are expected to benefit from the jump in personal income and consumer spending.

FSRPXNegative Net Change FDFAXNegative Net Change FDLSXPositive Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

5 Top-Ranked Mutual Funds That Have Outshined S&P 500 YTD

Invest in mutual funds like FSELX, FTQGX, PGKRX, GGGAX and MFEKX that have outperformed the broader stock market year to date, and are expected to perform well in the future.

FSELXNegative Net Change MFEKXNegative Net Change FTQGXNegative Net Change GGGAXNegative Net Change PGKRXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 Meeder Mutual Funds to Buy for Robust Returns

Consider investing in Meeder mutual funds like SRUAX, FLMAX and DYGAX for a customer-centric investment approach.

DYGAXNegative Net Change FLMAXNegative Net Change SRUAXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 Large-Cap Funds to Buy on Declining Consumer Confidence

Large-cap value funds like FSTKX, HOVLX and ACSTX are a safe bet during times of market volatility.

HOVLXNegative Net Change ACSTXNegative Net Change FSTKXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

4 Top Vanguard Mutual Funds Amid Volatile Market Conditions

Invest in Vanguard mutual funds like VQNPX, VWNFX, VASVX and VSTCX to earn excellent returns amid uncertain market conditions.

VQNPXNegative Net Change VSTCXNegative Net Change VASVXNegative Net Change VWNFXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 BlackRock Mutual Funds for Solid Returns

Invest in BlackRock mutual funds like MDBAX,MDLRX and PCBAX for long-term gains.

PCBAXNegative Net Change MDBAXNegative Net Change MDLRXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 Healthcare Mutual Funds Thriving Amid Economic Shifts

Healthcare mutual funds such as FPHAX, VGHCX and PHSTX are increasingly favored as solid investments amid economic volatility and change in consumer sentiment.

VGHCXPositive Net Change FPHAXPositive Net Change PHSTXPositive Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

2 PRIMECAP Funds to Look Into as Vanguard Reopens Them

Invest in Vanguard mutual funds like VPCCX and VPMCX as Vanguard reopens them after a better part of two decades.

VPCCXNegative Net Change VPMCXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 Utility Funds to Buy as Fed Signals Single Rate Cut in 2024

Utility funds like FSUTX, BULIX and FKUTX are a safe bet during times of uncertainty when markets can stay volatile for longer periods.

BULIXPositive Net Change FSUTXPositive Net Change FKUTXNo Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 Carillon Mutual Funds to Boost Your Returns

Invest in Carillon mutual funds like EISIX, HRCIX, and BERIXfor reliable global market performance.

EISIXNegative Net Change HRCIXNegative Net Change BERIXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 Utility Mutual Funds to Invest in as Rate Cuts Get Delayed

Invest in utility mutual funds like BULIX, FSUTX and FKTUX for steady returns and reduction of risk in a volatile market.

BULIXPositive Net Change FSUTXPositive Net Change FKUTXNo Net Change