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Value Investor: Archive

Tracey Ryniec

My Favorite Long-Term Stock Investing Strategy

If you're going to build a stock portfolio over the course of several years, you're going to have to keep your emotions in check.

DALPositive Net Change CMAPositive Net Change KEYPositive Net Change SQPositive Net Change AAPLPositive Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

What Does a Value Portfolio Look Like?

All investors have to start somewhere. Here are 4 tips for building a value portfolio.

NOBLNegative Net Change REGLPositive Net Change XOMPositive Net Change JILLNegative Net Change MPositive Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

Stocks are on Sale: Should You Buy?

A bunch of stocks are trading with single digit P/Es and juicy dividends. Time to go shopping?

VNQNegative Net Change GLDNegative Net Change GTPositive Net Change PVHPositive Net Change GIIIPositive Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

Are You an Investor or a Speculator?

Some investors buy the business. Others buy the chart. But ultimately everyone must ask "how much?"

MCDNegative Net Change SBUXPositive Net Change CMGPositive Net Change DPZPositive Net Change SHAKPositive Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

Value Investors: Should You Read 'The Intelligent Investor'?

Benjamin Graham's definitive book on value investing is now 70 years old. What can stock investors get from it in 2019?

AMZNPositive Net Change TSLAPositive Net Change AAPLPositive Net Change BOOTPositive Net Change PVHPositive Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

Value Stocks: A "Once-in-a-Decade" Buying Opportunity?

No one likes value stocks. That's usually a sign they're about to make a comeback.

AMZNPositive Net Change AAPLPositive Net Change SYFPositive Net Change AFLNegative Net Change XECPositive Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

The Cheapest Zacks Rank #1 Stocks Right Now

Zacks has a great stock ranking system. Value investors can use it to find top cheap stocks.

DALPositive Net Change FPositive Net Change SHINo Net Change NAVIPositive Net Change HIIQPositive Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

Best Investing Tips from 'Your Money or Your Life'

This 1990s personal finance book is hot again thanks to the FIRE movement. Should stock investors read it?

VIOVPositive Net Change VTVNegative Net Change VOONegative Net Change VYMNegative Net Change VBRPositive Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

Why Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Had to Buy Amazon

Tired of underperforming in value stocks? It's okay to diversify with some growth.

AMZNPositive Net Change NFLXPositive Net Change FBPositive Net Change GOOGLPositive Net Change AAPLPositive Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

Chinese Stocks: Value Stocks or Traps?

Chinese stocks have sold off again and some have single digit P/Es. Is it time to buy?

BABAPositive Net Change YYNegative Net Change DLNegative Net Change BIDUPositive Net Change CTRPPositive Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

Is it Finally Time to Buy Energy Stocks?

With energy stocks battered in 2019, the insiders are diving into some of the stocks again. Will it be another false bottom?

CNXPositive Net Change XOMPositive Net Change MTDRPositive Net Change APAPositive Net Change SMPositive Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

5 Stocks with Great Classic Value Fundamentals

Not only are these stocks cheap, they also have growth and a great Zacks Rank.

GBXPositive Net Change FPositive Net Change AIGPositive Net Change ZUMZPositive Net Change ETHPositive Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

Retail Stocks are on Sale: Should You Bite?

With tariffs and recession fears hitting the retail sector, many retailers now trade with single digit P/Es. Is it time for value investors to take another look?

JILLNegative Net Change XELBNegative Net Change WSMPositive Net Change BBBYPositive Net Change MPositive Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

Should You Hide Out in Cheap Insurance Stocks?

Insurance may seem boring but there's a reason its been around for hundreds of years. Are the fundamentals still solid?

ALLNegative Net Change TRVNegative Net Change PGRPositive Net Change ACGLNegative Net Change CNANegative Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

5 Semiconductors: Value Stocks or Traps?

The semiconductor stocks sure seem cheap. But have they really reached the bottom of the cycle or is it a fake-out?

AVGONegative Net Change NVDANegative Net Change MUPositive Net Change VSHPositive Net Change LRCXPositive Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

Cheap Stock or Value Trap?

How to spot value trap stocks.

GMPositive Net Change CCPositive Net Change GENegative Net Change CWHPositive Net Change LBPositive Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

What is a Value Stock?

With Berkshire Hathaway buying shares of Amazon, it's time for a refresher on what makes a stock a value.

CPositive Net Change AMZNPositive Net Change LNCPositive Net Change BRK.BPositive Net Change CVSNegative Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

3 Tips for Building a Buffett-Beating Portfolio

Berkshire Hathaway's stock has been underperforming the S7P 500 for years. Value investors can do better.

JCOMPositive Net Change SNXPositive Net Change AVIDPositive Net Change APCPositive Net Change OXYPositive Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

How to Screen for Cheap Old Economy Stocks

Technology stocks aren't the only ones breaking out in 2019 as old economy stocks are too. But are any of them still values?

AAPLPositive Net Change CRNegative Net Change MICPositive Net Change NCLHNegative Net Change HEESPositive Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

Can Value Investors Buy IPOs?

Don't let all the big technology unicorn IPOs distract you. Here's how value investors can still get into the IPO game.

HUDNegative Net Change GTESPositive Net Change EAFNegative Net Change COLDNegative Net Change GSKYNegative Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

Lessons from my Favorite Book for Value Investors

Interested in drilling down deeper into value investing? This book offers a quick, and entertaining, overview of what it takes.

GMPositive Net Change LMPositive Net Change UNFIPositive Net Change MNKPositive Net Change GIIIPositive Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

Are Large Cap Foreign Stocks Cheap?

With worries about global growth increasing, are there bargains in the big foreign stocks?

TIPositive Net Change GELYYPositive Net Change BMOPositive Net Change BAKNegative Net Change CRRFYNo Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

The Secret Value Stock Screen to Use Now

With growth stocks still dominating, value investors should look for new methods to find those hidden gems.

SYYPositive Net Change ALLNegative Net Change CNCNegative Net Change BBYPositive Net Change WMTNegative Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

Where to Find 10-Bagger Stocks in 2019

After a big rally, it's still possible to find those hidden gem stocks to buy and hold.

FBPositive Net Change TCEHYPositive Net Change PLNTNegative Net Change GOOSPositive Net Change DPZPositive Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

Where to Find Classic Value Stocks in 2019

In a market that is soaring, it's not easy to find value stocks that also have solid fundamentals.

JBLUNegative Net Change CRMTPositive Net Change GMPositive Net Change JILLNegative Net Change PVHPositive Net Change