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Value Investor: Archive

Tracey Ryniec

5 Classic Value Stocks That Also Have Growth

Looking for cheap stocks that also are still growing their earnings?

WFCPositive Net Change SKXNegative Net Change TOLPositive Net Change JDNegative Net Change PAGSPositive Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

How to Find the Next Stock Winners

The stock winners of the last decade may not be the winners of the next 10 years. How do you find the "next" Apple?

BACPositive Net Change VPositive Net Change NFLXPositive Net Change DFINPositive Net Change VRTNegative Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

3 Value Stock Screens: Which One is Best?

One stock screen may not be enough to find the top cheap stocks. Thankfully, Zacks has dozens to choose from.

JPMPositive Net Change AEONegative Net Change RPositive Net Change SKXNegative Net Change SCSPositive Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

The Banks: Value Stocks or Traps?

Bank stocks have sold off over the last month as treasuries have spiked. Are they deals?

BACPositive Net Change PNCPositive Net Change CMAPositive Net Change WSBCPositive Net Change OZKPositive Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

5 Top Value Stocks That Will Pay You Real Cash

Cheap and you earn income, what's not to like?

MANPositive Net Change WHRPositive Net Change GESNegative Net Change SCSPositive Net Change ETDPositive Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

The Easy Way to Become a Landlord

Here's how you can own data centers and shopping malls for little cash.

PSANegative Net Change SPGPositive Net Change EQIXNegative Net Change PKPositive Net Change PLYAPositive Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

Screening for Warren Buffett Stocks

Want to invest like the world's greatest value investor? Here's the screen to run.

KBHPositive Net Change RELLPositive Net Change PRDOPositive Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

Should You Read the Intelligent Investor Book?

Warren Buffett says this book changed his life.

KBHPositive Net Change RELLPositive Net Change MOVNegative Net Change RESPositive Net Change AFCGPositive Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

Investing Lessons from Rich Retirees

The million-dollar retirement portfolio is the holy grail for savers. How do you get there?

BACPositive Net Change SHWPositive Net Change NVDANegative Net Change BRK.BPositive Net Change VOOPositive Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

How to Invest in Commodity Stocks

With energy stocks rallying again, here's some tips about navigating cyclical stocks.

SLBPositive Net Change HESPositive Net Change PXDPositive Net Change EOGPositive Net Change BKRPositive Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

5 Cheap Strong Buy Stocks in 2023

Think all stocks are overvalued right now? These 5 stocks have low P/E and P/S ratios AND are top ranked.

MTWPositive Net Change ENRNegative Net Change GPSNegative Net Change BLDRPositive Net Change KBHPositive Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

How Value Investors can use the Power of Compounding

It's not all about the Magnificent 7. The 10 best performing S&P 500 stocks since 2000 tell the tale.

VPositive Net Change CMGNegative Net Change TSCONegative Net Change COSTPositive Net Change ANSSNegative Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

Should You Hold a Stock for Forever?

Lessons from Berkshire Hathaway's portfolio on holding stocks for decades.

AMZNNegative Net Change KONegative Net Change MCOPositive Net Change PGNegative Net Change AXPPositive Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

Looking for Dirt-Cheap Large Cap Stocks?

Hint: you won't find these companies in America. But you may want to ask Warren Buffett for pointers.

SSUMYNegative Net Change FUJHYPositive Net Change PCRFYPositive Net Change MIELFNo Net Change CAJPYNegative Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

5 Cheap Global Energy Stocks Paying Dividends

Energy stocks are out of favor again but that's a buying opportunity for value investors.

LNGPositive Net Change ERFPositive Net Change VETPositive Net Change CPGPositive Net Change GRNTPositive Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

Tales of Stock Compounding: Does It Always Work?

Buffett's neighbors made millions after investing in Berkshire in the 1960s, but what if you bought GM or Ford instead?

MSFTPositive Net Change XOMPositive Net Change FASTPositive Net Change SHWPositive Net Change BRK.BPositive Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

How to Find Cheap Growth Stocks

It's a powerful combination. A value stock that also has growth.

TEXPositive Net Change LWNegative Net Change VRTNegative Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

5 Energy Stocks: Values or Traps?

Energy stocks seem cheap. But is it a fake out?

XOMPositive Net Change SLBPositive Net Change OXYPositive Net Change EOGPositive Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

5 Top Dirt-Cheap Tech Stocks

Value investors do not have to stay on the sidelines in tech. These 5 technology companies are dirt cheap.

BELFBPositive Net Change MOMONegative Net Change RBBNPositive Net Change RMBLPositive Net Change MIELFNo Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

Berkshire Hathaway's Q1 Portfolio Moves: Is Boring Okay?

Buffett unleashes his infamous patience to start 2023 as new portfolio additions are few.

MAPositive Net Change VPositive Net Change COFPositive Net Change WSMNegative Net Change RHPositive Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

How to Create Your Own Mini Berkshire Hathaway

If you want to unlock the value of Berkshire Hathaway's many businesses, why not buy them separately yourself? Here's how.

UNPPositive Net Change HSYNegative Net Change SIGNegative Net Change HVTPositive Net Change RDFNPositive Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

Screening for Top Ranked Value Stocks

Market volatility has increased. It's time to look for quality value stocks.

XRXPositive Net Change SLCANegative Net Change BHRPositive Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

What Industries Have the Most Classic Value Stocks Right Now?

In honor of Warren Buffett giving a 3-hour interview to CNBC, it's time to look at the top classic value stocks.

ERJPositive Net Change VLOPositive Net Change GMPositive Net Change TOLPositive Net Change ABGPositive Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

Should You Buy the Bank Stocks Right Now?

The bank stocks are cheap but will earnings estimates be cut for 2023?

JPMPositive Net Change CPositive Net Change PNCPositive Net Change OSBCPositive Net Change UCBIPositive Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

Is it Time to Buy the Mall REITs Again?

GenZ likes hanging out at the mall and occupancy is back up. Are there any deals?

SPGPositive Net Change MACPositive Net Change SKTPositive Net Change