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The Dutram Report: Archive

Eric Dutram

Are These Bond ETFs the 'Next Generation' in Fixed Income Investing?

Many of the fixed income ETFs on the market today are great, but BulletShares could be the next step in their evolution. Find out why these ETFs might be better choices for some investors in this week's podcast.

LQDNegative Net Change AGGNegative Net Change BNDNegative Net Change BSJHPositive Net Change

Eric Dutram

Sustainable Investing: What Is It and Why Is It Hot Now?

Sustainable investing is a buzzword in the ETF world lately, but what is behind this trend? We talk to Conor Platt of Etho Capital for information about this trend and how it might fit into a portfolio.

XLEPositive Net Change XLBPositive Net Change DSINegative Net Change CRBNPositive Net Change

Eric Dutram

Health Care and Technology: A Perfect Combo for Stock Investors Now?

Although changes might be coming to the world of health care, this industry could be the spot for investors to focus on regardless of what Washington decides.

MDRXNegative Net Change XLVNegative Net Change IBBNegative Net Change HACKPositive Net Change

Eric Dutram

Smart Beta Investing: Fad or Future of the ETF Industry?

Everyone knows about value and growth investing, but should investors also consider factors such as low volatility, yield, and momentum for gains? Find out in this week's Dutram Report!

IWOPositive Net Change IWNPositive Net Change IWFPositive Net Change ONEOPositive Net Change

Eric Dutram

If the Trump Trade Falters, Where Should Investors Look for Profits Instead?

Domestic investing is a cornerstone of most portfolios, but with the potential unwinding of the Trump Trade, should we be looking elsewhere for gains?

SPYPositive Net Change UUPNegative Net Change EFAPositive Net Change

Eric Dutram

The Key Things to Know When Trading Volatility with ETFs

Volatility investing can be a difficult concept to understand, but once traders get the hang of it, volatility can be a powerful tool. Today's podcast takes a look at this concept and what investors need to know before jumping into this market in a successful way.

SPYPositive Net Change XIVPositive Net Change VXXPositive Net Change VMAXNegative Net Change

Eric Dutram

Investing in China in the Age of Trump (and Beyond)

Trump seems to have singled out China as a potential adversary, but is the country still a good investment in the near term? We take a closer look at investing in China in this edition of the Dutram Report, as well as some key points regarding the Chinese economy, and how the nation decides its industrial and economic priorities as well.

NTESNegative Net Change FXINegative Net Change GXCNegative Net Change TCEHYNegative Net Change

Eric Dutram

Can You Beat the S&P 500 at Its Own Game?

Can investors beat the S&P 500 by using an equal weight strategy? In this edition of the Dutram Report, we explore this technique and if it is a good idea for investors seeking to beat the important benchmark.

AAPLNegative Net Change MSFTNegative Net Change SPYPositive Net Change

Eric Dutram

How to Find World-Changing Tech Stocks Outside of Silicon Valley

Technology investors have long been focused on Silicon Valley, but there is a different spot on the globe that could be even hotter for start-ups and soaring companies. In this week's Dutram Report we explore this surging market and what sets it apart from the competition, potentially making it a compelling investment in the process.

DOXNegative Net Change CHKPPositive Net Change XLKPositive Net Change MBLYNegative Net Change

Eric Dutram

Market Timing: Is it Possible in Today's Data-Focused World?

Is it possible to time the market? The team at Hull Investments thinks you can and that it is unwise not to time the market at this point. I talk to their CIO, Rick Anderson, to get some insights into their process and how they try to time the market in the latest edition of the Dutram Report.

SPYPositive Net Change TWTRPositive Net Change HTUSPositive Net Change

Eric Dutram

Baby Boomers and Millennials: Do They Invest the Same Way?

In this edition of the Dutram Report, we take a look at generational differences in the world of investing. Does age influence how you select your picks? Do certain groups go for some ETFs over others? We get to the bottom of these questions, and more, in the latest edition which stars Keith Denerstein, the Director of Guidance Product Management at TD Ameritrade.

AMTDPositive Net Change GLDPositive Net Change IAUPositive Net Change

Eric Dutram

Leveraged ETFs: How Are They Built and What's Hot Now?

Do you know how leveraged and inverse ETFs work? Find out in this edition of the Dutram Report, where we discuss that topic, and some of the hottest funds in the leveraged and inverse ETF world right now.

SPXLPositive Net Change XOPPositive Net Change LABUPositive Net Change

Eric Dutram

Is Customer Satisfaction the Hidden Key to Stock Outperformance?

In this edition of the Dutram Report, we take a closer look at the idea of customer satisfaction. Do companies that serve their customers better end up being more impressive investments? In order to get to the bottom of this, I spoke with Kevin Quigg, Chief Strategist of ACSI Funds for some answers and insights.

GOOGPositive Net Change JNJNegative Net Change AAPLNegative Net Change GOOGLPositive Net Change

Eric Dutram

What Can Investors Expect from Utility Stocks in 2017?

In this edition of the Dutram Report, we investigate the utility sector. While some might think this is a boring corner of the market, it has definitely provided investors with some volatility as of late and has been a pretty interesting sector overall. But what does 2017 hold for this market? To get a better idea, we talk with Jay Rhame, co-portfolio manager of the Reaves Utilities ETF for some insights.

XLUPositive Net Change UTESNegative Net Change

Eric Dutram

How to Find the Best Stocks for Long Term Investments

In this edition of the Dutram Report, we investigate the world of wide moat companies. These firms have durable competitive advantages which may make them top notch picks for investors over the long haul. To learn more about this concept, we speak with Brandon Rakszawski, a product manager at VanEck who gives us his insights on the topic.

AMZNPositive Net Change TIFPositive Net Change MOTIPositive Net Change

Eric Dutram

What is the Outlook for Gold Prices in 2017?

In this edition of the Dutram Report, we take a look at the gold and precious metal markets since the election, and where they are likely headed going into 2017. To find some clues, we talk to an expert in this topic, Maxwell Gold, the Director of Investment Strategy for ETF Securities. Make sure to listen for some great insights on this key market segment!

GLDPositive Net Change IAUPositive Net Change SGOLPositive Net Change

Eric Dutram

How to Find Stocks Poised to Grow Dividends Now

In this edition of the Dutram Report, we explore the dividend market with the CEO of Reality Shares, Eric Ervin. However, we don't look at any old segment of the yield world, as we focus in on dividend growth investing and what investors need to watch out for in this market segment. Make sure to listen for a guide to this important market segment!

TSNPositive Net Change SBUXPositive Net Change NKENegative Net Change

Eric Dutram

Is Immunotherapy the Next Hot Industry for Biotech Stock Investors?

In this edition of the Dutram Report, Eric Dutram talks with Brad Loncar, the CEO of Loncar Investments who specializes in the world of immunotherapy. This approach is revolutionizing the cancer treatment market, and we get to the bottom of this emerging technology in the podcast so that investors can better understand why this market may deserve a closer look.

AZNNegative Net Change MRKNegative Net Change IBBNegative Net Change AMGNNegative Net Change

Eric Dutram

Can 'Supply and Demand' Help You Be a Better Investor?

In this edition of the Dutram Report, Eric Dutram talks with Ted Theodore, the Vice Chairman and CIO of TrimTabs, to discuss their new fund, TTAC. They also go over supply demand principles in ETF form, and what using a float shrink strategy means for investing and how it can potentially lead to outperformance.

TTFSNo Net Change PKWPositive Net Change TTACNegative Net Change