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Earnings Preview: Archive

Sheraz Mian

Big Tech Earnings Loom: What to Expect

Total Q2 earnings for the Technology sector are expected to be up +15.5% from the same period last year on +9.3% higher revenues, reflecting yet again another strong showing. How will the market react?

AMZNNegative Net Change MSFTNegative Net Change NVDANegative Net Change TSLANegative Net Change GOOGLNegative Net Change METAPositive Net Change

Sheraz Mian

Q2 Earnings Growth Expected to Reach Two-Year High

We see the Q2 results from the major banks as good enough - not great, but definitely not bad either. The stocks' outperformance entering this reporting cycle contributed to the market's tentative initial reaction to the results.

WFCNegative Net Change JPMNegative Net Change CPositive Net Change

Sheraz Mian

3 Key Things to Know About the Q2 Earnings Season

With the June-quarter reporting cycle taking center stage thanks to reports from the big banks next Friday, here are three key points that investors should keep in mind as we inch closer.

JPMNegative Net Change NKEPositive Net Change FDXNegative Net Change

Sheraz Mian

Q2 Earnings Growth Forecasted to Hit Two-Year High

Q2's expected quarterly earnings growth pace of +8.3% reflects the strongest growth since back in Q1 of 2022. Tech is expected to do some heavy lifting again, with earnings expected to be up +15.5% on +9.5% higher revenues.

NKEPositive Net Change WBANegative Net Change

Sheraz Mian

The Q2 Earnings Season Gets Underway

The 'doom & gloom' view of corporate profitability that a noisy market segment appeared to subscribe to last year has largely moved to the fringes thanks to the U.S. economy's resilient performance in the face of the Fed's extraordinary tightening.

ORCLPositive Net Change COSTNegative Net Change ADBENegative Net Change AZOPositive Net Change

Sheraz Mian

Previewing the 2024 Q2 Earnings Season

By the time the big banks release their quarterly results on July 12th, we will have Q2 results from almost two dozen S&P 500 members. What can investors expect?

COSTNegative Net Change AZOPositive Net Change

Sheraz Mian

Retail Earnings & Consumer Spending: A Closer Look

With the unemployment rate at a multi-decade low, household buying power remains largely intact, even though most of the Covid savings have already been used up. And that's what we saw in the Q1 earnings season, with consumer spending largely holding up.

AMZNNegative Net Change TGTNegative Net Change WMTNegative Net Change

Sheraz Mian

Retail Earnings: A Closer Look

The bulk of the Q1 earnings season is now behind us, with results from more than 460 S&P 500 companies already out. This week, retail took the spotlight, but how were the results?

AMZNNegative Net Change TGTNegative Net Change WMTNegative Net Change NVDANegative Net Change

Sheraz Mian

Retail Earnings Loom: What to Expect

The bulk of the Q1 earnings season is now behind us, with results from 460 S&P 500 companies already out. Next week, retail takes the spotlight. What can investors expect?

AMZNNegative Net Change TGTNegative Net Change WMTNegative Net Change HDNegative Net Change

Sheraz Mian

Mag 7 Leadership Reflects Earnings Power

Had it not been for the substantial earnings contribution from the Mag 7, Q1 earnings growth for the rest of the S&P 500 index would be in negative territory. Now, we await Nvidia.

AMZNNegative Net Change AAPLPositive Net Change NVDANegative Net Change TSLANegative Net Change

Sheraz Mian

Does Mag 7 Leadership Remain Intact Post-Tesla and Meta Disappointments?

Two 'Mag 7' members faced selling pressure following the release of their quarterly results, bringing the group's leadership under focus. Was the selling overdone?

MSFTNegative Net Change TSLANegative Net Change GOOGLNegative Net Change METAPositive Net Change

Sheraz Mian

What Can Investors Expect From Big Tech Earnings?

We enter the heart of the Q1 earnings season this week, with results from four of the 'Mag 7' members scheduled to come. But can their results perk the market back up?

MSFTNegative Net Change TSLANegative Net Change GOOGLNegative Net Change METAPositive Net Change

Sheraz Mian

The Q1 Earnings Season Kicks off Positively

We see the Q1 results from the major banks as good enough; not great, but definitely not bad either. Next week, the cycle picks up notable steam, with 41 S&P 500 companies on the reporting docket. How will the market react?

WFCNegative Net Change JPMNegative Net Change CPositive Net Change

Sheraz Mian

Making the Case for Bank Stocks

At a time when the S&P 500 index is at or near its record level, the Finance sector's discounted valuation has to be one of the most attractive investment spots in the market. Next Friday, the big banks will really get the earnings cycle going.

WFCNegative Net Change JPMNegative Net Change CPositive Net Change

Sheraz Mian

Looking Ahead to Q1 Earnings

2024 Q1 earnings are expected to be up +2.4% from the same period last year on +3.4% higher revenues, which would pencil in the third consecutive period of positive earnings growth. But what else should investors expect?

CCLPositive Net Change NKEPositive Net Change LULUNegative Net Change WBANegative Net Change

Sheraz Mian

2024 Q1 Earnings Loom: What Can Investors Expect?

Q1 earnings are expected to be up +2.1% from the same period last year on +3.4% higher revenues, with the Technology sector again playing a big role in keeping the overall earnings picture positive.

ORCLPositive Net Change ADBENegative Net Change

Sheraz Mian

Previewing the 2024 Q1 Earnings Season

2024 Q1 earnings are currently expected to be up +2.4% from the same period last year on +3.5% higher revenues, reflecting the third consecutive period of positive earnings growth. The Tech sector is poised to flex its power again, helping brighten the overall earnings picture in a big way.

ORCLPositive Net Change COSTNegative Net Change ADBENegative Net Change AZOPositive Net Change

Sheraz Mian

Retail Earnings Loom: What's in 'Store'?

Retail earnings will soon take center stage, with many notable companies on the reporting docket for next week. What can investors expect?

AMZNNegative Net Change AAPLPositive Net Change MSFTNegative Net Change TGTNegative Net Change WMTNegative Net Change NVDANegative Net Change TSLANegative Net Change GOOGLNegative Net Change METAPositive Net Change

Sheraz Mian

5 Standout Features of the Q4 Earnings Season

With quarterly results from about two-thirds of S&P 500 members already out, here are five key features these results have confirmed.

AMZNNegative Net Change AAPLPositive Net Change MSFTNegative Net Change NVDANegative Net Change TSLANegative Net Change GOOGLNegative Net Change METAPositive Net Change

Sheraz Mian

Magnificent 7 Earnings Results Solidify Market Leadership

Given their enormous earnings power and growth profiles, it is hard to argue with the group's market leadership. Of the bunch, only NVIDIA remains to report.

AMZNNegative Net Change AAPLPositive Net Change MSFTNegative Net Change NVDANegative Net Change TSLANegative Net Change GOOGLNegative Net Change METAPositive Net Change

Sheraz Mian

Big Tech Earnings Loom: What Can Investors Expect?

A big part of Tech's improved earnings outlook has been a function of more effective cost controls that have helped stabilize margins. What will the Q4 results show?

AMZNNegative Net Change MSFTNegative Net Change NVDANegative Net Change GOOGLNegative Net Change METAPositive Net Change

Sheraz Mian

Q4 Earnings Results Reflect Stability

The picture emerging from the Q4 earnings season thus far has been good enough - not great, but definitely not bad either. Next week, we shift into a much higher gear, with 71 S&P 500 members scheduled to report.

INTCNegative Net Change JNJNegative Net Change NFLXNegative Net Change TSLANegative Net Change

Sheraz Mian

Breaking Down Early Q4 Earnings Results

We are off to a good enough start in the Q4 earnings season, though it may be hard to reach that conclusion from the seemingly 'noisy' big bank results.

BACNegative Net Change WFCNegative Net Change JPMNegative Net Change CPositive Net Change

Sheraz Mian

How Will Earnings Estimates Evolve in 2024?

The economy's resilience in the face of the Fed's extraordinary tightening has been a pleasant surprise. That said, it makes sense for growth to moderate going forward to reflect the cumulative effect of monetary policy tightening.

CAGNegative Net Change STZNegative Net Change WBANegative Net Change LWNegative Net Change

Sheraz Mian

Is an Earnings Recession Coming?

The economy's resilience in the face of the Fed's extraordinary tightening campaign has been a pleasant surprise, further reflected by upwardly revised GDP growth numbers for 2023 Q3.

CPBNegative Net Change AZOPositive Net Change AVGONegative Net Change