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John Blank

Is the U.S. Economy Finally Cooling?

Likely, it takes several months of macro data to answer that question.

GEPositive Net Change TOELYNegative Net Change ANETNegative Net Change

John Blank

Can Tech & Mega-Caps Take Stocks Even Higher?

This is perhaps the biggest worry, now.

GEPositive Net Change NVDANegative Net Change SCCONegative Net Change

John Blank

Memorial Day 2024: How is the U.S. Consumer Doing?

It is time, for a health check, on the all-important U.S. consumer.

STLDPositive Net Change WABPositive Net Change GOOGLPositive Net Change

John Blank

U.S. Stocks, or World Stocks?

Rate cuts in Europe and Latin America, not the USA, get me thinking.

NVDANegative Net Change ANETNegative Net Change COINPositive Net Change

John Blank

Making a Connection Between Private Net Worth and Public Debt Issuance

A Big U.S. Election Approaches. Consequences from This Will Produce Heated Debates.

BLKNegative Net Change PGRPositive Net Change SAFRYNegative Net Change

John Blank

Can Tesla's Earnings Struggle Take Down the "Mag 7"?

The Electric Vehicle Downcycle May Have Broader Consequences.

WFCPositive Net Change TSLAPositive Net Change UBERNegative Net Change PROSYNegative Net Change

John Blank

What Will the FOMC Do in 2024?

Bond and stock traders fell in line -- with Fed consensus. For now.

BKPositive Net Change VEEVNegative Net Change SVNDYNegative Net Change

John Blank

Can We See More Upside, With This Stock Market Rally?

Oftentimes, strong momentum trading leads to more momentum.

VMCPositive Net Change ARMNegative Net Change LINegative Net Change

John Blank

Here's an Updated "Bull-Bear" Debate on the U.S. Economy

There's always two sides to every argument. But one may be stronger.

RCLPositive Net Change SSUMYNegative Net Change COINPositive Net Change

John Blank

Can This U.S. "AI" Boom Override Geopolitics?

An Aggressive Posture on Asset Allocation Can Remain Attractive.

HCANegative Net Change CDNSNegative Net Change CRWDPositive Net Change

John Blank

Do Traders Over-Focus on the CPI?

"Don't Fight the Fed" may be too dominant a theme, now.

RYAAYNegative Net Change MLMPositive Net Change NETPositive Net Change

John Blank

What are the Major Stock Market Risks for 2024?

After Davos is over, let's prognosticate from the cheap seats.

NVONegative Net Change NVDANegative Net Change TSMNegative Net Change

John Blank

Where is That Pesky Recession?

Worriers are still out there. Is there any fresh evidence to support them?

RCLPositive Net Change LYVPositive Net Change SCHYYNegative Net Change

John Blank

Can the Magnificent Seven Carry Stocks Even Higher?

Or do we need to see broader share participation?

EMEPositive Net Change XPOPositive Net Change DBXNegative Net Change

John Blank

Can Q3 GDP Excite Investors?

The recession bears will never go away. The bulls can take advantage of that.

EMEPositive Net Change WSMNegative Net Change NBIXPositive Net Change

John Blank

After This Correction, Time to Buy Stocks?

That is a worthy topic, isn't it?

CDNSNegative Net Change SPLKPositive Net Change VIPSNegative Net Change

John Blank

Did a Data-Driven Fed Get it Right?

The FOMC meeting is done. Let's discuss the latest macro facts.

ISRGNegative Net Change WYNegative Net Change IRPositive Net Change

John Blank

Time to Buy Stocks in September?

A lull is here. Is this a buyable dip?

GEPositive Net Change CATPositive Net Change SHWPositive Net Change

John Blank

Will the FOMC Tighten, Given Good CPI Data?

Will their shift in rates spark too much turbulence in Financials?

NSANYNegative Net Change KMTUYNegative Net Change PCRFYPositive Net Change

John Blank

Can the S&P500 Keep Trucking, Led by 7 Tech Monsters?

The S&P500 forward 12M P/E multiple is at a high 18.9.

KMBNegative Net Change URBNNegative Net Change SIEGYNegative Net Change

John Blank

Where Might 2024 Investors Harvest Returns?

One source for those answers: Chief Investment Officers (CIOs).

VMCPositive Net Change MLMPositive Net Change ZBHNegative Net Change

John Blank

Can U.S. Consumer Strength Remain Strong?

Summer rolls along. It is likely seasonal activity helps.

FPositive Net Change CMGNegative Net Change MNSTNegative Net Change

John Blank

Did the FOMC Tighten Too Much?

The regional bank crisis remains a key FOMC focus.

MARPositive Net Change MCDNegative Net Change BKNGPositive Net Change

John Blank

Can Info Tech Stocks Carry the S&P500 Even Higher?

Sector breadth is not there, right now.

KRNegative Net Change FDXPositive Net Change MSGSNegative Net Change

John Blank

How did the U.S. and Global Economy fare in Q1?

Tune in. Fresh macro insights come along with a few fresh thoughts on Q1 earnings.

STMNegative Net Change SENegative Net Change IFNNYNegative Net Change