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John Blank

Key Macro Drivers for 2021

Think the Fed, real estate, China, and oh yeah, earnings.

MOSPositive Net Change XPOPositive Net Change

John Blank

The Biden Trades

What stocks move with this new U.S. administration?

GSPositive Net Change CMPositive Net Change SQPositive Net Change

John Blank

With Vaccine Distribution, What Stocks Do I Buy?

A Forward Looking Market Can Be Beguiling.

GSPositive Net Change SCHWNegative Net Change QDELNegative Net Change

John Blank

How to Follow the Central Bank Money

Easy Money Drives Stocks. What Works Best?

MUNegative Net Change HOLXNegative Net Change PKGPositive Net Change

John Blank

Where Does the S&P500 Go After 3,600?

That's a toppy index number, folks.

JELDPositive Net Change BXCNegative Net Change BCCPositive Net Change

John Blank

What is a Great Mobility Stock?

You can play pharma...or mobility stocks.

NXPIPositive Net Change IDXXNegative Net Change BAMXFNo Net Change

John Blank

3 Stock Picks That Play on COVID Retail Therapy

Being Shut-In Delivers Offline Customers Too.

TTCPositive Net Change SWKNegative Net Change MKTAYPositive Net Change

John Blank

3 Stock Picks That Play on COVID Retail Therapy

Being Shut-In Delivers Offline Customers Too.

TTCPositive Net Change SWKNegative Net Change MKTAYPositive Net Change

John Blank

Update on the COVID Vaccine Race

A 2021 Macro Recovery is About This, Alone.

PFEPositive Net Change MRNAPositive Net Change JNJNegative Net Change GILDPositive Net Change AZNNegative Net Change

John Blank

How to Play a Top-Down COVID Trading Landscape

The virus is still influencing stocks.

WSMNegative Net Change TGTNegative Net Change GMPositive Net Change

John Blank

Should Falling Tech Stocks Concern You?

When the trend is your friend, it matters.

LRCXNegative Net Change LENNegative Net Change AZPNPositive Net Change

John Blank

Does the U.S. Economy Need More Stimulus?

Or is a spending package just election packaging?

SCCONegative Net Change RIONegative Net Change AUNegative Net Change

John Blank

The S&P500 Keeps Setting New Highs. For How Long?

What can stop this freight train?

WHRPositive Net Change ORLYPositive Net Change DEPositive Net Change

John Blank

Should You Buy the Rally in Non-US Stocks?

Or does global growth need to show up first???

UBSNegative Net Change TMONegative Net Change CPPositive Net Change

John Blank

Can Tech Stocks Keep Their Momentum?

Or do we see momentum profits getting taken...

MUNegative Net Change MCHPNegative Net Change AMDNegative Net Change

John Blank

Can the S&P500 Break 3,200 this Summer?

What could the catalysts be?

SRENegative Net Change FTNTPositive Net Change ABBVNegative Net Change

John Blank

Is COVID Going to Reverse This Rally?

My short term and long-term answers are quite different.

TOELYNegative Net Change JDNegative Net Change EBAYNegative Net Change

John Blank

Do Macroeconomic Outlooks Matter With COVID?

During the suppression, NO. Afterwards? YES.

TSMNegative Net Change PTONPositive Net Change AUNegative Net Change

John Blank

How does the COVID battlefield look?

Winning looks good short-term. Actions in a medium-term may be cautious.

SJMPositive Net Change PINSPositive Net Change AMCRNegative Net Change

John Blank

Where Can Traders Build Optimism?

Yes. You can see it. In a few places.

SATSPositive Net Change NWEPositive Net Change DBXNegative Net Change

John Blank

Insights Into a Cloudy Q1 Earnings Season

Focus your mind. On fresh facts about the uncertainty.

KGCNegative Net Change HIIPositive Net Change ALPMYNegative Net Change

John Blank

What Stocks Move After the Stimulus Bill Passes?

The U.S. economy can recover (quicker) with this bill.

WDCPositive Net Change HPQPositive Net Change DXCMNegative Net Change

John Blank

When Do U.S. Stocks Get a Green Light?

Short answer - Not clear. Buy on yellow.

SAPNegative Net Change REGNNegative Net Change MSFTPositive Net Change

John Blank

What Poses the Greatest Risk to Markets?

The Nov. election, coronavirus, or earnings results?

PFEPositive Net Change MSFTPositive Net Change JPMPositive Net Change

John Blank

Can Home Construction Keep Booming?

Short answer -- YES. The 10-yr Treasury is 1.54%.

LOWNegative Net Change BMCHPositive Net Change BLDRPositive Net Change