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5 Stocks Set to Double

Special opportunity ends midnight Sunday.

Special opportunity ends in .

5 Zacks experts were commissioned to each select his or her single favorite stock with the best chance to gain +100% or more in the months ahead.

Today, you can see these promising picks for just $1.

Earlier versions of this report have racked up gains of +143.0%, +175.9%, +498.3%, and even +673.0%

These Aren't Ordinary "Swing for the Fences" Stocks

All of them start off with strong Zacks Ranks, meaning that earnings estimates are already on the upswing. This is a key predictor of outperformance over the next 1 to 3 months.

What could be better than stocks that not only climb high but start fast?

No guarantees of course, but the earlier you get aboard these tickers the greater the likelihood of maximizing your profit potential.

Zacks Ultimate Four Report

Stock #1: A Global Leader in Clean Energy
As the world moves toward more green sustainable energy sources, it's well-positioned to offer cost effective solutions for the increase in demand.

Stock #2: Creatively Changing the Way Businesses Communicate
With a truly innovative platform, this company is changing the landscape by which companies communicate in real-time.

Stock #3: Iconic Company Looking to Refresh Their Brand
One of the oldest and most recognizable in the world, its commitment to innovation may make it an industry leader once again.

Stock #4: Reinventing How We Look at Transportation and Energy
Fueled by forward-thinking strategies and an insatiable need for its products, this disrupter of the automobile industry has an extensive track record of victories under its belt.

Stock #5: Changing the Way the World Pays for Goods & Services
Already an integral part of the economy, this company will become invaluable as the world's digital dependence grows.

Total Cost for 5 Stocks Set to Double Special Report: Only $1

Plus... That Same Dollar Brings You Full 30-Day Access to All Zacks Long-Term Buys & Sells Through Zacks Investor Collection

For the next 30 days, you are invited to look inside portfolios like our Stocks Under $10, Value Investor, and big-swinging Home Run Investor. You can also use Zacks Premium to find and evaluate your own stocks, ETFs, and mutual funds. During your trial, you can sample:

  • All our long-term investing portfolios
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Using Zacks Rank Profit Power

S&P 500 vs. Zacks #1 Rank List Hypothetical Return on 10K Investment: Jan 1, 1988 - Jun 3, 2024
$465,265 S&P 500
$26,639,737 Zacks #1
Rank List
The S&P 500 Index is owned and published by McGraw-Hill

All of our portfolios — from value and growth, to stable income and ETFs — — from value to growth, from stable income to ETFs — are grounded in Zacks Rank fundamentals.

This unbiased, mathematical system has more than doubled the S&P 500's average yearly gain. Even through three recessions and many corrections, it has averaged +24.2% per year.

Let's suppose you had invested $10,000 in the S&P 500 in 1988. Rebalancing monthly and not counting fees, you would have more than $460,000 today.

But if you had put that same $10,000 into the Zacks Rank system, it could have compounded to more than $26.6 million dollars.

17 Double and Triple-Digit Wins Already This Year

While not all picks can be winners, every one of our longer-term portfolio recommendation services was designed to identify those with the highest probability of success. Some recent gains include¹:

  • +263.2% on Fusion Pharmaceuticals from Stocks Under $10
  • +123.2% on Global X IoT ETF from ETF Investor
  • +200.3% on E.L.F. Beauty from Home Run Investor
  • +124.8% on Archer Daniels Midland from Value Investor
  • +107.3% on Shopify from Zacks Top 10 Stocks
5 Stocks Set to Double

Important: Deadline to Download 5 Stocks Set to Double Special Report is Sunday

In this Special Report, five Zacks experts each recommend their single favorite stock predicted to increase +100% and more in the next 12 months. This is a must-read report for long-term investors.

Valued at $99, it is yours free when you start your 30-day trial.

See Stocks Now »

Questions? Call toll-free at 1.888.775.8348 M-F, 9 am - 6 pm ET. Outside the U.S., 1.312.265.9309.

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What portfolios are included in Zacks Investor Collection?

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  • ETF Investor Blending Zacks Industry Rank with its 2-to-1 performance advantage with the Zacks ETF Rank, it rides emerging trends without added risk and fees from buying stocks individually.
  • Home Run Investor Targets under-the-radar companies with over-the-top +50%, +100%, +200% potential. But it's watchful to prevent strike outs by cutting losers and providing diversity.
  • Income Investor Balances more aggressive moves with a steady flow of income through selected high-dividend stocks, plus other low-risk assets that offer higher potential than fixed income.
  • Stocks Under $10 Pinpoints low-priced stocks with improving fundamentals and earnings outlooks for exceptional growth potential.
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Will following all Zacks long-term portfolio recommendations be hard work or "too much information?"

Not at all - most members start by quickly scanning each of the portfolios, and then simply narrow them down to the one(s) that suit them best.

Also, each day you receive a summary email that spotlights intraday trades and key market commentary from the various services.

And if you have any questions or need any help sorting out which portfolios are best for you, just pick up the phone and talk to a real person who can give you the info you need.

Ready to get started?

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It only costs $1. And not 1 cent of further obligation.