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Zacks Thematic Screens

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Founder Run Companies

This screen represents a fascinating investment niche characterized by a unique blend of founder mentality and owner's mindset. Founder-run companies, led by their original entrepreneurs, demonstrate an exceptional level of personal responsibility and emotional commitment, viewing their businesses as their life's work. This intrinsic connection drives founders to nurture their companies meticulously. The owners are careful not to take on excessive debt, while their long-term perspective is fueled by a desire to build something significant. This usually translates into a stronger, sustained performance of the company. Since the founders' average annual compensation, which is considerably less than that of the typical S&P 500 CEOs, it is reflective of their focus on the companies' success over personal benefits. A founder's intimate knowledge of the business, combined with a stronger view and motivation that "no one works as hard as the owner," ensures a level of dedication and strategic insight unmatched by professional managers. With the founders' emotional and financial stakes often leading to better performance, the companies in this theme are rooted in stability, purpose and enduring success.