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Zacks Thematic Screens

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Wide Moat

Imagine investing in companies that not only lead their industries today but are also strategically fortified to dominate well into the future. This is the essence of the "wide moat" investment theme, where businesses possess durable competitive advantages - dubbed moats - that shield them from competitors. Inspired by Warren Buffett's investment philosophy, this theme features companies with unique strengths such as brand recognition, patent protection, proprietary technology, and network effects. These moats ensure long-term profitability and market leadership, making such companies resilient in volatile markets. Investments in shares of wide-moat companies offer a balanced blend of growth potential and minimize downside risks. This strategy isn't just about short-term gains; it's about securing a portfolio of high-quality stocks that can weather economic storms and continue to deliver stable, predictable returns. For investors, the allure lies in the robust performance history of these companies, often outpacing broader market indices. Embracing the wide moat concept means having exposure to the champions of today and tomorrow, ensuring a solid foundation for long-term financial stability.