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earnings-performance: Archive
Why Is Tyson (TSN) Down 2.2% Since Last Earnings Report?
by Zacks Equity Research
Tyson (TSN) reported earnings 30 days ago. What's next for the stock? We take a look at earnings estimates for some clues.
TSNNegative Net Change
earnings earnings-estimates earnings-performance earnings-report earnings-trend revenue zacks-consensus-estimate
Why Is Westport (WPRT) Up 8.4% Since Last Earnings Report?
by Zacks Equity Research
Westport (WPRT) reported earnings 30 days ago. What's next for the stock? We take a look at earnings estimates for some clues.
WPRTNegative Net Change BWANegative Net Change
earnings earnings-estimates earnings-performance earnings-report earnings-trend revenue zacks-consensus-estimate
Skyworks (SWKS) Up 7.5% Since Last Earnings Report: Can It Continue?
by Zacks Equity Research
Skyworks (SWKS) reported earnings 30 days ago. What's next for the stock? We take a look at earnings estimates for some clues.
SWKSPositive Net Change QRVOPositive Net Change
earnings earnings-estimates earnings-performance earnings-report earnings-trend revenue zacks-consensus-estimate
SpringWorks Therapeutics (SWTX) Up 14.5% Since Last Earnings Report: Can It Continue?
by Zacks Equity Research
SpringWorks Therapeutics (SWTX) reported earnings 30 days ago. What's next for the stock? We take a look at earnings estimates for some clues.
SWTXPositive Net Change EXELPositive Net Change
earnings earnings-estimates earnings-performance earnings-report earnings-trend revenue zacks-consensus-estimate
Theravance Bio (TBPH) Up 3.7% Since Last Earnings Report: Can It Continue?
by Zacks Equity Research
Theravance Bio (TBPH) reported earnings 30 days ago. What's next for the stock? We take a look at earnings estimates for some clues.
TBPHPositive Net Change IONSPositive Net Change
earnings earnings-estimates earnings-performance earnings-report earnings-trend revenue zacks-consensus-estimate
Why Is Triumph Group (TGI) Up 3.4% Since Last Earnings Report?
by Zacks Equity Research
Triumph Group (TGI) reported earnings 30 days ago. What's next for the stock? We take a look at earnings estimates for some clues.
TGINegative Net Change AXONPositive Net Change
earnings earnings-estimates earnings-performance earnings-report earnings-trend revenue zacks-consensus-estimate
Why Is Prothena (PRTA) Down 17.9% Since Last Earnings Report?
by Zacks Equity Research
Prothena (PRTA) reported earnings 30 days ago. What's next for the stock? We take a look at earnings estimates for some clues.
PRTANegative Net Change KRYSPositive Net Change
earnings earnings-estimates earnings-performance earnings-report earnings-trend revenue zacks-consensus-estimate
Repligen (RGEN) Up 3.2% Since Last Earnings Report: Can It Continue?
by Zacks Equity Research
Repligen (RGEN) reported earnings 30 days ago. What's next for the stock? We take a look at earnings estimates for some clues.
RGENPositive Net Change APLSPositive Net Change
earnings earnings-estimates earnings-performance earnings-report earnings-trend revenue zacks-consensus-estimate
Why Is Shopify (SHOP) Up 2% Since Last Earnings Report?
by Zacks Equity Research
Shopify (SHOP) reported earnings 30 days ago. What's next for the stock? We take a look at earnings estimates for some clues.
SHOPPositive Net Change GOOGLNegative Net Change
earnings earnings-estimates earnings-performance earnings-report earnings-trend revenue zacks-consensus-estimate
Suncor Energy (SU) Down 3.7% Since Last Earnings Report: Can It Rebound?
by Zacks Equity Research
Suncor Energy (SU) reported earnings 30 days ago. What's next for the stock? We take a look at earnings estimates for some clues.
SUPositive Net Change IMOPositive Net Change
earnings earnings-estimates earnings-performance earnings-report earnings-trend revenue zacks-consensus-estimate
Why Is Novavax (NVAX) Up 13.6% Since Last Earnings Report?
by Zacks Equity Research
Novavax (NVAX) reported earnings 30 days ago. What's next for the stock? We take a look at earnings estimates for some clues.
NVAXPositive Net Change QGENPositive Net Change
earnings earnings-estimates earnings-performance earnings-report earnings-trend revenue zacks-consensus-estimate
Occidental (OXY) Down 5.2% Since Last Earnings Report: Can It Rebound?
by Zacks Equity Research
Occidental (OXY) reported earnings 30 days ago. What's next for the stock? We take a look at earnings estimates for some clues.
OXYNegative Net Change AMPositive Net Change
earnings earnings-estimates earnings-performance earnings-report earnings-trend revenue zacks-consensus-estimate
Why Is Light & Wonder (LNW) Up 1% Since Last Earnings Report?
by Zacks Equity Research
Light & Wonder (LNW) reported earnings 30 days ago. What's next for the stock? We take a look at earnings estimates for some clues.
LNWPositive Net Change EAPositive Net Change
earnings earnings-estimates earnings-performance earnings-report earnings-trend revenue zacks-consensus-estimate
Why Is Mirum Pharmaceuticals (MIRM) Down 0.7% Since Last Earnings Report?
by Zacks Equity Research
Mirum Pharmaceuticals (MIRM) reported earnings 30 days ago. What's next for the stock? We take a look at earnings estimates for some clues.
MIRMPositive Net Change EXASPositive Net Change
earnings earnings-estimates earnings-performance earnings-report earnings-trend revenue zacks-consensus-estimate
Why Is Mosaic (MOS) Up 2.5% Since Last Earnings Report?
by Zacks Equity Research
Mosaic (MOS) reported earnings 30 days ago. What's next for the stock? We take a look at earnings estimates for some clues.
MOSPositive Net Change SMGNegative Net Change
earnings earnings-estimates earnings-performance earnings-report earnings-trend revenue zacks-consensus-estimate
Fate Therapeutics (FATE) Up 0.5% Since Last Earnings Report: Can It Continue?
by Zacks Equity Research
Fate Therapeutics (FATE) reported earnings 30 days ago. What's next for the stock? We take a look at earnings estimates for some clues.
FATEPositive Net Change CLDXPositive Net Change
earnings earnings-estimates earnings-performance earnings-report earnings-trend revenue zacks-consensus-estimate
Why Is Golar LNG (GLNG) Up 24.8% Since Last Earnings Report?
by Zacks Equity Research
Golar LNG (GLNG) reported earnings 30 days ago. What's next for the stock? We take a look at earnings estimates for some clues.
GLNGPositive Net Change
earnings earnings-estimates earnings-performance earnings-report earnings-trend revenue zacks-consensus-estimate
Why Is Groupon (GRPN) Up 51.5% Since Last Earnings Report?
by Zacks Equity Research
Groupon (GRPN) reported earnings 30 days ago. What's next for the stock? We take a look at earnings estimates for some clues.
GRPNPositive Net Change WPositive Net Change
earnings earnings-estimates earnings-performance earnings-report earnings-trend revenue zacks-consensus-estimate
Why Is Home Depot (HD) Up 2.7% Since Last Earnings Report?
by Zacks Equity Research
Home Depot (HD) reported earnings 30 days ago. What's next for the stock? We take a look at earnings estimates for some clues.
HDPositive Net Change
earnings earnings-estimates earnings-performance earnings-report earnings-trend revenue zacks-consensus-estimate
Why Is American Public Education (APEI) Up 12% Since Last Earnings Report?
by Zacks Equity Research
American Public Education (APEI) reported earnings 30 days ago. What's next for the stock? We take a look at earnings estimates for some clues.
APEIPositive Net Change STRANegative Net Change
earnings earnings-estimates earnings-performance earnings-report earnings-trend revenue zacks-consensus-estimate
Why Is Axsome (AXSM) Down 0.1% Since Last Earnings Report?
by Zacks Equity Research
Axsome (AXSM) reported earnings 30 days ago. What's next for the stock? We take a look at earnings estimates for some clues.
AXSMNegative Net Change PCRXPositive Net Change
earnings earnings-estimates earnings-performance earnings-report earnings-trend revenue zacks-consensus-estimate
Amdocs (DOX) Down 0.7% Since Last Earnings Report: Can It Rebound?
by Zacks Equity Research
Amdocs (DOX) reported earnings 30 days ago. What's next for the stock? We take a look at earnings estimates for some clues.
DOXPositive Net Change EPAMPositive Net Change
earnings earnings-estimates earnings-performance earnings-report earnings-trend revenue zacks-consensus-estimate
Why Is Live Nation (LYV) Up 3.6% Since Last Earnings Report?
by Zacks Equity Research
Live Nation (LYV) reported earnings 30 days ago. What's next for the stock? We take a look at earnings estimates for some clues.
LYVPositive Net Change ABNBNegative Net Change
earnings earnings-estimates earnings-performance earnings-report earnings-trend revenue zacks-consensus-estimate
Vishay (VSH) Up 2.1% Since Last Earnings Report: Can It Continue?
by Zacks Equity Research
Vishay (VSH) reported earnings 30 days ago. What's next for the stock? We take a look at earnings estimates for some clues.
VSHPositive Net Change
earnings earnings-estimates earnings-performance earnings-report earnings-trend revenue zacks-consensus-estimate
The Williams Companies (WMB) Up 3.1% Since Last Earnings Report: Can It Continue?
by Zacks Equity Research
The Williams Companies (WMB) reported earnings 30 days ago. What's next for the stock? We take a look at earnings estimates for some clues.
WMBPositive Net Change ENBPositive Net Change
earnings earnings-estimates earnings-performance earnings-report earnings-trend revenue zacks-consensus-estimate