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economy: Archive

John Blank

How did COVID Reshape Retail and Goods Production?

This is the biggest macro issue today.

WMTNegative Net Change KRNegative Net Change WSMNegative Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

Tips on Where to Invest as Rates Rise

Think you know what might go on with the Fed and rates next year? Think again.

GSNegative Net Change BACNegative Net Change JPMNegative Net Change PNCNegative Net Change UCBIPositive Net Change

Daniel Laboe

Applying A Barbell Investment Strategy To Protect Against Stagflation

An inclination towards this strategy can be seen with the bids for exceptionally safe dividend drivers like utilities, real estate, & consumer staples, combined with a growing penchant for speculative innovation-fueled equities.

SPLKPositive Net Change PATHNegative Net Change XLUPositive Net Change ARKKPositive Net Change XLRENegative Net Change SOFINegative Net Change

John Blank

Consumer Prices, the Fed, and Tapering

Can we make sense of this trio?

AAPLPositive Net Change CICHYNegative Net Change SHOPPositive Net Change

John Blank

Retail Sales Down. Consumer Sentiment Down. What Gives?

What to expect from the upcoming holiday shopping season?

ORLYPositive Net Change CAJPositive Net Change CBREPositive Net Change

John Blank

Did COVID Remote Working Launch Economy Wide Productivity Gains?

More to the point, what should an investor do?

TJXNegative Net Change BASFYNegative Net Change MELIPositive Net Change

Kevin Cook

ESG Investing and Global Poverty: How Can We Help?

Climate science suggests that economic conditions for world's poorest countries will implode.

AMZNNegative Net Change AAPLPositive Net Change TSLANegative Net Change FBPositive Net Change ICLNNegative Net Change

John Blank

Why Are So Many U.S. Growth and Unemployment Rate Projections Off?

John Maynard Keynes did not address a pandemic.

NKEPositive Net Change TGTNegative Net Change WMTNegative Net Change

John Blank

Can a Wage-Price Spiral Happen in 2022?

The issue concerns economists and traders alike.

PBRNegative Net Change PTRPositive Net Change SUNegative Net Change

John Blank

When Does the Fed Start to Taper Bond Buying?

Is this rise in Home & Consumer Price Inflation transitory? Or not?

DDAIFPositive Net Change

John Blank

What is Fair Value for the S&P500?

The latest earnings report season muddied the waters on that.

WDCNegative Net Change OROVYNegative Net Change BNTXNegative Net Change

Daniel Laboe

Stocks To Buy For Inflation

Now it is time to reposition your portfolio for this inflationary period.

EQIXNegative Net Change FCXNegative Net Change XLENegative Net Change TDYNegative Net Change

John Blank

The Biden Vision

What does it mean for stocks?

XOMNegative Net Change DENegative Net Change CVXNegative Net Change

Kevin Cook

Economic Snapback and Euphoria: 6 Fundamental Charts You Have to See

Big macro goodness may be priced-in, leaving overheated sectors vulnerable to profit-taking gravity.

NVDANegative Net Change AMZNNegative Net Change SQPositive Net Change SHOPPositive Net Change PINSNegative Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

Where Should You Be Investing as the Economy Recovers?

Forget about a US recession in 2021. The concern is about the possibility of overheating and inflation.

UNHPositive Net Change FASTNegative Net Change LOGINegative Net Change PCRFYPositive Net Change QQQMNegative Net Change

Kevin Cook

Bernie Madoff Investing Lessons: How Rogue Traders Can Immunize Your Wealth

What the rogue does to a billion dollars of OPM, we do to our own accounts sans sound rules, systems, and discipline.

BANegative Net Change CMENegative Net Change UALPositive Net Change SPCENegative Net Change ARKXNegative Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

Top Earnings Charts to Kick-Off Q1 Earnings Season

These 5 companies will shine a light on what the global economic recovery will look like in 2021.

UNHPositive Net Change FASTNegative Net Change BBBYPositive Net Change TSMNegative Net Change ALLYNegative Net Change

Daniel Laboe

Is The Market Fully Priced?

2021 will be a stock pickers market

SPYNegative Net Change QQQNegative Net Change

John Blank

Where Does the 10-yr Rate Go from Here?

High-beta stocks seem to care the most.

SWKSNegative Net Change RKTNegative Net Change UINegative Net Change

John Blank

How to Play it, when the US Economy Surges First

Other world-stage actors may not be following us.

AUNegative Net Change TSMNegative Net Change PTONNegative Net Change

Daniel Laboe

The Bond Market May Be Telling The Fed Something

The 10-Year Treasury yield has surged 85% since the beginning of the year, despite the Federal Reserve maintaining its ultra dovish stance

AUNegative Net Change TSMNegative Net Change PTONNegative Net Change

Kevin Cook

Inflation Perfect Storm: The Fed's Dual Conundrum

As inflation takes off, the Fed may be trapped to let it run very hot just to get employment back.

NVDANegative Net Change BIDUNegative Net Change TSLANegative Net Change SQPositive Net Change SHOPPositive Net Change

John Blank

Should a U.S. Earnings Peak in Q4-21 Scare You?

We need to discuss this fiscaL-driven situation in greater detail.

TMNegative Net Change DDAIFPositive Net Change VLVLYNegative Net Change

John Blank

Strong Earnings Reports & Rising Rates: Then What?

Welcome or unwelcome, a rising 10-yr Treasury yield speaks to changed expectations.

XOMNegative Net Change SNPPositive Net Change RDS.APositive Net Change

Kevin Cook

Hedge Fund Diaries: Who Was Buying Your Stocks?

SEC 13Fs reveal trades from months ago, but also patterns of long-term bullish behavior.

MRNANegative Net Change GMENegative Net Change NVAXNegative Net Change SHOPPositive Net Change VXRTNegative Net Change BIGCNegative Net Change