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infrastructure: Archive

Bryan Hayes

Bear of the Day: Armstrong World Industries (AWI)

Earnings misses have been a sore spot for AWI during the past year.

AWINegative Net Change

Kevin Cook

Bear of the Day: MasTec (MTZ)

Delayed projects and the economic slowdown are dogging EPS for this major C&E provider

MTZPositive Net Change

Derek Lewis

3 Basic Materials Stocks Crushing the S&P 500 in 2022

The Zacks Basic Materials Sector has been a bright spot in an otherwise dim market environment, providing a +3.2% return while the S&P 500 has declined 17%.

NUENegative Net Change KROPositive Net Change NTRNegative Net Change

Derek Lewis

Why AMD Investors Can Sleep Soundly

AMD has been a stellar place for investors to park their cash over the last several years, providing a multitude of gains along the way.

AMDNegative Net Change NVDANegative Net Change TSMNegative Net Change

Derek Lewis

John Deere Q2 Preview: 11th Consecutive EPS Beat in Store?

Year-to-date, shares have returned a mighty 7%, while the S&P 500 has declined roughly 18%.

DENegative Net Change TWINegative Net Change

Derek Lewis

AMD vs. Nvidia: Which Chip Giant Should Investors Buy?

It's not easy to play favoritism between these two chip giants. While both companies are thrilling and innovative investments, one must come out on top.

AMDNegative Net Change NVDANegative Net Change

Derek Lewis

FedEx vs. United Parcel Service: Which Is a Better Buy?

With a similar type of business operations, it's sometimes difficult to decide which company would be a better bang for your buck.

UPSPositive Net Change FDXNegative Net Change

Derek Lewis

Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) Q1 Preview: Can Shares Return to Former Glory?

AMD shares, down nearly 40% in 2022, look to find a new uptrend with strong year-over-year forecasted growth rates.

AMDNegative Net Change NVDANegative Net Change ONNegative Net Change

Neena Mishra

Best ETFs for the Infrastructure Boom & Megatrends

We discuss ETF areas likely to benefit from massive spending bills and themes for 2022.

QCOMNegative Net Change NVDANegative Net Change TSLANegative Net Change ICLNNegative Net Change IFRANegative Net Change IDRVNegative Net Change IDATNegative Net Change