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options: Archive

Daniel Laboe

Take Advantage Of Covered Call Strategy On Market Slide

It's time to start thinking about covered calls with the recent market selloff spiking in implied volatility on options across the equity market, presenting us with a Theta-catching opportunity

SPLKPositive Net Change GOOGLNegative Net Change TWLOPositive Net Change CRWDNegative Net Change

Daniel Laboe

Fade Or Trade Unusual Activity?

There is another way to take advantage of unusual activity

QQQNegative Net Change SPYNegative Net Change

Daniel Laboe

Put Spread Opportunity That You Don't Want To Miss

Invesco's Nasdaq 100 tracking ETF (QQQ) October monthly options are lining up very nicely for a trading/hedging opportunity

QQQNegative Net Change

Daniel Laboe

How To Properly Hedge Your Portfolio Using Put Options

Market participants are taking on a 'this is as good as it gets' mentality, and it may be time to think about hedging your portfolio against broader market risks

QQQNegative Net Change SPYNegative Net Change

Daniel Laboe

The ABC's Of Options & A Few Simple Strategies

I don't want any of you taking outsized risk on option trades and losing it least not without understanding some of the basics of an option

QQQNegative Net Change UBERPositive Net Change

David Borun

What does 250% implied volatility really mean?

When stocks rip higher, often implied options volatilities do as well. Be careful.

HOODPositive Net Change

David Borun

"Buy When You Can, Not When You Have To"

The old adage applies to protecting your portfolio before things get rough, instead of after.

SPYNegative Net Change

David Borun

You Have a Theory, Which Options Should You Choose?

Picking the right expiration cycle can be the difference between success and failure in the options markets.

CBOEPositive Net Change

David Borun

As Expiration Approaches, Sometimes the Tail Wags the Dog

Options' open interest influences share prices rather than the other way around.

CBOEPositive Net Change

David Borun

You Can Trade Options and Futures on the Fed Funds Rate

The CME offers liquid derivatives for hedging and speculating on short-term interest rates.

CMENegative Net Change

David Borun

When Buying Calls is a Terrible Idea...

Last week's AMC rally shines a light on the true risk of buying those expensive options.

AMCNegative Net Change

David Borun

Move Over Gamestop, AMC Entertainment Options are now Where the Action is.

Volumes and Volatility are soaring as the "YOLO" crowd shifts it's attention to AMC options, setting off a gamma squeeze.

GMENegative Net Change AMCNegative Net Change

David Borun

Buying the Dip in the VIX Makes More Sense Than Selling the Rips.

With volatility at low levels, the low price of long options strategies skews the odds in favor of options buyers.

CBOEPositive Net Change

David Borun

Is There Opportunity in Unregulated Cryptocurrency Exchange Options?

Why you need the protection and security of the SEC and CFTC in the crypto options markets.

IBKRPositive Net Change CMENegative Net Change COINPositive Net Change

David Borun

With No Bitcoin ETF, What Other Options Trades Provide Crypto Exposure?

You can't trade listed equity-style options on Bitcoin, but some companies might be the next best thing.

TSLANegative Net Change GLDNegative Net Change MSTRPositive Net Change PYPLNegative Net Change SQPositive Net Change MOGOPositive Net Change

David Borun

How Do You Trade Options on Bitcoin?

With cryptocurrencies hitting new all-time highs, futures and options may be the smart play.

CMENegative Net Change

David Borun

Owning Options Makes Sense at High Stock Prices and Low Volatilities

Being long Gamma lets you hedge and re-hedge for profits as stocks move in either direction....

SPYNegative Net Change

David Borun

Netlix Options are Too Inexpensive to Sell

Successful "cash-covered" puts depend on collecting a juicy premium, and this stock doesn't offer any.

NFLXNegative Net Change

David Borun

When Can You Trade Options on the New Coinbase Offering?

The crypto exchange earned an $80B market cap in its first day of trading, and options are coming soon.

GOOGPositive Net Change SPOTPositive Net Change COINPositive Net Change

David Borun

With Unusual Activity, Don't Trade It...Fade It

Changes in implied volatility after unusual volume are an opportunity to trade like the pros.

CBOEPositive Net Change

David Borun

Your Covered Calls Worked Well...Maybe Too Well. Now What?

Selling a diagonal call spread keeps you in the game when your shares are in rally mode.

MUNegative Net Change

David Borun

Learn to Design a Trade for Shifting Implied Volatilities

Simply buying options may not be the best way to profit from an expected move in a stock.

CBOEPositive Net Change

David Borun

Volatilities are Down, Volumes are Up

Weekly expirations are popular, are they right for your trading strategies?

CBOEPositive Net Change

David Borun

Selling Options Responsibly in the "Reddit" Stocks

Sometimes, implied vols are so high, you don't even need all legs of a trade...

GMENegative Net Change

David Borun

Trading Options on the Reddit/Robinhoood Stocks Requires Discipline

Huge moves and huge implied volatilities can wipe out an uninformed speculator in hurry.

AAPLPositive Net Change GMENegative Net Change