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Mutual Fund Commentary: Archive

Zacks Equity Research

3 Large-Cap Growth Funds to Buy as Inflation Eases in May

Large-cap growth funds like FSBDX, FBCGX and JRAAX are expected to benefit as cooling inflation is boosting rate cut hopes.

JRAAXNegative Net Change FSBDXNegative Net Change FBCGXPositive Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 Must-Buy Funds on Solid Jump in Consumer Spending

Funds like FSRPX, FDLSX and FDFAX are expected to benefit from the jump in personal income and consumer spending.

FSRPXNegative Net Change FDFAXNegative Net Change FDLSXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

5 Top-Ranked Mutual Funds That Have Outshined S&P 500 YTD

Invest in mutual funds like FSELX, FTQGX, PGKRX, GGGAX and MFEKX that have outperformed the broader stock market year to date, and are expected to perform well in the future.

FSELXPositive Net Change MFEKXNegative Net Change FTQGXNegative Net Change GGGAXNegative Net Change PGKRXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 Meeder Mutual Funds to Buy for Robust Returns

Consider investing in Meeder mutual funds like SRUAX, FLMAX and DYGAX for a customer-centric investment approach.

DYGAXNegative Net Change FLMAXNegative Net Change SRUAXNo Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 Large-Cap Funds to Buy on Declining Consumer Confidence

Large-cap value funds like FSTKX, HOVLX and ACSTX are a safe bet during times of market volatility.

HOVLXNegative Net Change ACSTXNegative Net Change FSTKXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

4 Top Vanguard Mutual Funds Amid Volatile Market Conditions

Invest in Vanguard mutual funds like VQNPX, VWNFX, VASVX and VSTCX to earn excellent returns amid uncertain market conditions.

VQNPXNegative Net Change VSTCXNegative Net Change VASVXNegative Net Change VWNFXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 BlackRock Mutual Funds for Solid Returns

Invest in BlackRock mutual funds like MDBAX,MDLRX and PCBAX for long-term gains.

PCBAXNegative Net Change MDBAXPositive Net Change MDLRXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 Healthcare Mutual Funds Thriving Amid Economic Shifts

Healthcare mutual funds such as FPHAX, VGHCX and PHSTX are increasingly favored as solid investments amid economic volatility and change in consumer sentiment.

VGHCXNegative Net Change FPHAXNegative Net Change PHSTXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

2 PRIMECAP Funds to Look Into as Vanguard Reopens Them

Invest in Vanguard mutual funds like VPCCX and VPMCX as Vanguard reopens them after a better part of two decades.

VPCCXPositive Net Change VPMCXPositive Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 Utility Funds to Buy as Fed Signals Single Rate Cut in 2024

Utility funds like FSUTX, BULIX and FKUTX are a safe bet during times of uncertainty when markets can stay volatile for longer periods.

BULIXNegative Net Change FSUTXNegative Net Change FKUTXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 Carillon Mutual Funds to Boost Your Returns

Invest in Carillon mutual funds like EISIX, HRCIX, and BERIXfor reliable global market performance.

EISIXPositive Net Change HRCIXNegative Net Change BERIXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 Utility Mutual Funds to Invest in as Rate Cuts Get Delayed

Invest in utility mutual funds like BULIX, FSUTX and FKTUX for steady returns and reduction of risk in a volatile market.

BULIXNegative Net Change FSUTXNegative Net Change FKUTXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 Financial Funds to Buy as Fed Projects One Rate Cut in 2024

Funds like FSLBX, RPFGX and FIDSX are expected to gain as the Fed is likely to keep interest rates higher for a longer period owing to stubbornly high inflation.

FSLBXNegative Net Change FIDSXPositive Net Change RPFGXPositive Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 Virtus Mutual Funds for Strong Returns

Invest in Virtus mutual funds like PQNAX, PDPAX and GAFAX for their multi-manager, multi-strategy approach to responsible investing.

PQNAXPositive Net Change GAFAXPositive Net Change PDPAXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 Solid Funds to Buy as Retail Sector Makes Steady Recovery

Funds like FDFAX, FSRPX and FDLSX are likely to benefit as the retail sector tries to stage a rebound.

FSRPXNegative Net Change FDFAXNegative Net Change FDLSXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

2 Homestead Mutual Funds for Steady Returns

Consider investing in Homestead mutual funds like HOVLX and HNASX for long-term growth.

HNASXNegative Net Change HOVLXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

5 Fidelity Mutual Funds to Buy for Long-Term Gains

Invest in Fidelity mutual funds like FIKGX, FIKAX, FSPCX, FSUTX and FPHAX, which have given impressive returns this year and are expected to perform well in the future.

FSPCXNegative Net Change FSUTXNegative Net Change FPHAXNegative Net Change FIKGXPositive Net Change FIKAXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 Glenmede Mutual Funds for Reliable Returns

Invests in Glenmede mutual funds like GQSCX, GTCIX and GTSOX for innovative investment solutions.

GTCIXPositive Net Change GTSOXPositive Net Change GQSCXPositive Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 Utility Mutual Funds to Buy Amid Rate Cut Speculation

Invest in utilities mutual funds such as FSUTX, BULIX and FKUTX that are well-positioned to excel amid economic uncertainties and potential Fed rate cuts.

BULIXNegative Net Change FSUTXNegative Net Change FKUTXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 Large-Cap Value Funds to Buy on Falling Consumer Sentiment

Inflation is raising concerns, which is denting consumer sentiment. Investing in large-cap value funds like FSTKX, TRVLX and NOIEX is a safe bet.

TRVLXPositive Net Change NOIEXPositive Net Change FSTKXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

2 Communication Services Funds to Buy as Sector Growth Continues

KTCAX and PRMTX are two communication services funds one can invest in as the sector continues to dominate in 2024.

PRMTXPositive Net Change KTCAXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 Diamond Hill Mutual Funds for Consistent Returns

Invests in Diamond Hill mutual funds such as DHLTX, DHLSX and DHLAX for disciplined investment strategies.

DHLAXNegative Net Change DHLSXNegative Net Change DHLTXPositive Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 Invesco Mutual Funds to Add to Your Portfolio

Invest in Invesco mutual funds like MLPZX, VSMCX and ACGLX that have given impressive returns so far this year and are expected to perform well in 2024 and beyond.

VSMCXPositive Net Change ACGLXPositive Net Change MLPZXPositive Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 Fuller & Thaler Mutual Funds for Solid Returns

Consider investing in Fuller & Thaler mutual funds like FTXNX, FTHNX and FTVNX, which leverage behavioral finance principles for potential market inefficiencies.

FTHNXNegative Net Change FTVNXPositive Net Change FTXNXPositive Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 Solid Large-Cap Growth Funds to Buy on Cooling Inflation

Large-cap growth funds like FBCGX, TRBCX and NVLIX are expected to benefit from easing inflation.

TRBCXNegative Net Change NVLIXNegative Net Change FBCGXPositive Net Change