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Mutual Fund Commentary: Archive

Zacks Equity Research

4 Invesco Mutual Funds to Accumulate for Gains in 2025

Invest in Invesco mutual funds like MLPAX, VSCAX, ACGIX and ACEIX, which have performed well so far this year and are expected to continue their run in the long term.

VSCAXPositive Net Change ACGIXNegative Net Change MLPAXNegative Net Change ACEIXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 Communication Services Funds to Boost Your Portfolio

FBMPX, FGDMX and PRMTX are three communication services funds one can invest in this year, with the sector continuing to resist the market's downside.

PRMTXNegative Net Change FBMPXPositive Net Change FGDMXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 Must-Buy Mutual Funds on Rebound in Retail Sales

Funds like FDFAX, FSRPX and FDLSX are likely to benefit from the jump in retail sales.

FSRPXPositive Net Change FDFAXPositive Net Change FDLSXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 Calamos Mutual Fund for Long-term Returns

Invest in Calamos mutual funds like CVLOX, CAGEX and CTASX for a diversified portfolio

CVLOXNo Net Change CAGEXNegative Net Change CTASXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

Buy 3 Janus Henderson Mutual Funds for a Growth Portfolio

Invest in Janus Henderson mutual funds like JNRFX, JNGLX and JDMAX for solid returns.

JNGLXNegative Net Change JNRFXPositive Net Change JDMAXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

4 Top Vanguard Mutual Funds to Buy Amid Market Uncertainty

Invest in Vanguard mutual funds like VGENX, VQNPX, VWUSX and VEIPX, which are expected to perform well in the future.

VWUSXNegative Net Change VQNPXNegative Net Change VGENXPositive Net Change VEIPXPositive Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 Healthcare Mutual Funds to Buy in the Current Environment

PRHSX, JNGLX and FPHAX are three healthcare mutual funds that can lend solidity to one's portfolio today and provide big returns in the foreseeable future.

PRHSXPositive Net Change FPHAXNegative Net Change JNGLXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

4 Fidelity Mutual Funds to Buy Amid Market Uncertainty

Invest in Fidelity mutual funds like FSELX, FSPCX, FMILX and FCLKX for long-term gains.

FSPCXPositive Net Change FSELXNegative Net Change FMILXPositive Net Change FCLKXPositive Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 Healthcare Mutual Funds to Navigate Through Market Volatility

Healthcare funds like VGHCX, FSPHX and JNGLX are a safe bet during times of market volatility.

FSPHXNo Net Change VGHCXNegative Net Change JNGLXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 Utility Funds to Play Safe Amid Growing Recession Fears

Utility funds like FSTUK, BULIX and FKUTX are a safe bet during times of market volatility.

BULIXPositive Net Change FSUTXNegative Net Change FKUTXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 Goldman Sachs Mutual Funds to Keep An Eye On

Invest in Goldman Sachs mutual funds like GLCTX, GVIRX and GMAPX, which have given impressive returns in the past and are expected to perform well in the future.

GLCTXPositive Net Change GVIRXNegative Net Change GMAPXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

Buy 3 Large-Cap Value Mutual Funds Amid Inflation and Trade Risks

Invest in large-cap value mutual funds like DAVGX, TGDVX and NOIEX with easing inflation and trade risks.

TGDVXNegative Net Change DAGVXPositive Net Change NOIEXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 NY Investments Mutual Funds for Solid Gains

Invest in NY Life Investments mutual funds like EPSRX, MCOAX and MLRSX for broad investment opportunities.

EPSRXNegative Net Change MCOAXNegative Net Change MLRSXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 Large-Cap Value Funds to Play Safe Amid Growing Trade War Fears

Large-cap value funds like NOIEX, PEYAX and VBCVX are a safe bet during times of market volatility.

PEYAXNegative Net Change VBCVXNegative Net Change NOIEXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 Thornburg Mutual Funds for Long-Term Returns

Invest in Thornburg mutual funds like TIMBX, TGIRX and THOGX for stable portfolio management.

TGIRXPositive Net Change TIBMXPositive Net Change THOGXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 Neuberger Berman Mutual Funds Worth Investing in

Invest in Neuberger Berman mutual funds like NPNAX, NRMGX and NSGRX for a strategic portfolio.

NPNAXNegative Net Change NRGSXNegative Net Change NRMGXNo Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 Large-Cap Value Funds to Buy Amid Sinking Consumer Confidence

Large-cap value funds like NOIEX, DODGX and TCLCX are a safe bet as sinking consumer confidence is leading to market volatility.

DODGXPositive Net Change TCLCXNegative Net Change NOIEXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 Mutual Funds to Buy on Steady Growth in Semiconductor Sales

Funds like PRSCX, FSELX and ROGSX are poisedto benefit form the jump in semiconductor sales.

ROGSXPositive Net Change PRSCXNegative Net Change FSELXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 Large-Cap Value Mutual Funds to Build a Solid Portfolio

Invest in large-cap value funds like DAGVX, PEYAX and ABVAX to preserve your capital and generate future returns.

ABVAXNegative Net Change PEYAXNegative Net Change DAGVXPositive Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 Allspring Mutual Funds to Buy for Impressive Returns

Consider investing in Allspring mutual funds like EVSRX, EKBCX and WFPRX for diversified investment opportunities.

EKBCXNegative Net Change WFPRXNegative Net Change EVSRXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 BlackRock Mutual Funds to Accumulate for Long-Term Gains

Invest in BlackRock mutual funds like BMCAX, BDMAX and MDBAX that have given impressive returns in the past and are expected to do the same in 2025 and beyond.

MDBAXNegative Net Change BMCAXNegative Net Change BDMAXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 Hennessy Mutual Funds to Buy for Balanced Investment Strategies

Invests in Hennessy mutual funds like HJPNX, HFMDX and HBFBX for a strategic investment approach.

HBFBXPositive Net Change HFMDXNegative Net Change HJPNXPositive Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 Financial Mutual Funds to Buy on the Trump Tariff Impositions

RPFGX, PRISX and FSLBX are three top-ranked financial mutual funds that can provide high returns as the Trump White House starts imposing tariffs on trading partners.

FSLBXNegative Net Change PRISXNegative Net Change RPFGXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

Buy 3 AQR Mutual Funds to Strengthen Your Portfolio

Invest in AQR mutual funds like QLENX, ASMNX and QMNNX for disciplined investing.

QLENXNegative Net Change QMNNXNegative Net Change ASMNXNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

3 Davis Mutual Funds to Enhanced Your Portfolio

Consider investing in Davis mutual funds like RPFGX, DCSYX and NYVTX for long-term growth.

RPFGXNegative Net Change DCSYXPositive Net Change NYVTXNegative Net Change