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commodities: Archive

Tracey Ryniec

Gold, Copper, Energy and Cocoa: Hot or Not?

Price targets, trends and charts on some of 2023's most important commodities, and how to invest in them.

CVXNegative Net Change XOMNegative Net Change FCXPositive Net Change HSYNegative Net Change NEMPositive Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

Which Commodity Stocks Should be on Your Short List?

Is it time to look at oil, natural gas, copper, steel and¿¿¿chicken wings in 2023?

FCXPositive Net Change CLFPositive Net Change SCCOPositive Net Change LNGNegative Net Change WINGPositive Net Change

Neena Mishra

What Lies Ahead for Commodity ETFs in 2023

Can the best performing asset class of the past two years reward investors again?

DBAPositive Net Change PDBCNo Net Change EVMTNegative Net Change PDBAPositive Net Change

Bryan Hayes

Is Occidental Petroleum (OXY) A 'Buy' After Q3 Earnings Announcement?

Lower prices may put a dent in OXY's profits moving forward.

OXYNegative Net Change

Neena Mishra

What Lies Ahead for Gold & Commodity ETFs

We discuss inflation, commodities and high income strategies.

NVDAPositive Net Change TSLAPositive Net Change GOOGLPositive Net Change BARNegative Net Change COMBPositive Net Change HIPSPositive Net Change

Neena Mishra

What Lies Ahead for Gold & Commodity ETFs

We discuss inflation, commodities and high income strategies.

NVDAPositive Net Change TSLAPositive Net Change GOOGLPositive Net Change BARNegative Net Change COMBPositive Net Change HIPSPositive Net Change

Neena Mishra

Commodity ETFs in Focus Amid Rising Inflation & Ukraine Crisis

Here is what you need to know about investing in commodities.

DBONegative Net Change DBCPositive Net Change DBEPositive Net Change DBAPositive Net Change DBBNegative Net Change PDBCNo Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

Is it too Late to Buy the Commodity Stocks?

Commodities are soaring to decade highs on strong demand and supply chain disruptions. Here's where to invest.

FCXPositive Net Change BHPPositive Net Change RIOPositive Net Change SCCOPositive Net Change MOSNegative Net Change

Neena Mishra

Commodity ETFs to Hedge against Inflation

We discuss rising inflation and how investors can protect their portfolios.

AAPLPositive Net Change MSFTPositive Net Change BARNegative Net Change COMBPositive Net Change PLTMNegative Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

How to Invest in Commodities Right Now

Commodities have been hot as the global economy reopens. Which should you be focused on?

FCXPositive Net Change KMTUYPositive Net Change GLDNegative Net Change DBBNegative Net Change BOILPositive Net Change

Panel Of Zacks Experts

Top Stock Picks for Week of December 28, 2020

Two Stocks With an Upward Moving Earnings Outlook.

STLDNegative Net Change VIVONegative Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

How to Invest in Commodities in 2020

Commodities, from gold to oil to sugar, are often overlooked by investors. Which are the best trading opportunities in a market still trying to sort out the coronavirus impacts?

XNegative Net Change FCXPositive Net Change UGLDPositive Net Change PALLNegative Net Change CPERNegative Net Change