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inflation: Archive

Mark Vickery

Quiet Day Ahead of Fed, Inflation This Week

Last month, we were greeted with a +3.4% Inflation Rate and +3.6% on core CPI year over year.

ORCLPositive Net Change ADBENegative Net Change AVGONegative Net Change CASYPositive Net Change

Andrew Rocco

How the Economic Calendar Can Spark Market Volatility

Volatility-inducing events, such as FOMC, earnings, and inflation numbers, can lead to market volatility. Savvy investors understand and prepare for market-moving economic events.

QQQNegative Net Change SPYNegative Net Change DIANegative Net Change INDANegative Net Change EWWPositive Net Change

Mark Vickery

Labor Heats Up Again: Jobs +272K, Unemployment +4.0%

While it's nice to see a strong domestic labor force, it throws cold water on the notion of near-term rate cuts.

QQQNegative Net Change SPYNegative Net Change DIANegative Net Change

Shaun Pruitt

2 Stocks to Buy After The European Central Bank & Bank of Canada Cut Rates

Presumably, investors may be eyeing stocks that can benefit more directly from what will likely be a more favorable operating environment for companies in Europe and Canada after the ECB and BOC cut interest rates.

AEMNegative Net Change SIEGYPositive Net Change

Andrew Rocco

10 Principles to Fast-Track Profitable Investing

Instead of "trial by fire," investors can circumvent years of frustration by understanding ten essential principles. Stock Strategist Andrew Rocco explains.

AAPLPositive Net Change NFLXNegative Net Change NVDANegative Net Change GMENegative Net Change QQQNegative Net Change SPYNegative Net Change CVNAPositive Net Change

Mark Vickery

PCE Numbers In-Line, Pre-Markets Applaud

Core PCE year over year came in at +2.8% for a third-straight month.

QQQNegative Net Change SPYNegative Net Change DIANegative Net Change

Mark Vickery

Interest Rate Fears Turn Markets Downward

Will market participants wait for Friday's PCE numbers to start shopping for value stocks?

CRMPositive Net Change AINegative Net Change

Mark Vickery

Pre-Markets Sell Amid "Best-Case Scenario"

Here's what they don't tell you about a soft landing: sometimes you've got to ride in the plane for longer.

HPQNegative Net Change CRMPositive Net Change ANFPositive Net Change DKSNegative Net Change AINegative Net Change

Shaun Pruitt

Defensive Stocks to Consider Amid Jamie Dimon's Concern for a Large Market Correction

Often asked for his economic opinion and outlook, JPMorgan Chase (JPM) CEO Jamie Dimon alluded to concerns of a broader economic slowdown and the possibility of a large stock market correction while speaking with Bloomberg on Thursday.

NEEPositive Net Change SOPositive Net Change DUKPositive Net Change WMTNegative Net Change NVDANegative Net Change AUNegative Net Change AEMNegative Net Change GFINegative Net Change JPMNegative Net Change

Mark Vickery

Jobless Claims & Starts/Permits Down, Imports & WMT Up

Walmart (WMT) shares are up nicely after Q1 earnings came out this morning.

WMTNegative Net Change QQQNegative Net Change SPYNegative Net Change DIANegative Net Change

Sanghamitra Saha

Inflation Cools in April: 5 Sector ETFs & Stocks to Thrive

In April, inflationary pressures showed signs of easing. However, a few sectors and stocks that may gain in the near term as the price gains remained steady in those business areas.

HSTNegative Net Change GPSNegative Net Change FDXNegative Net Change HCAPositive Net Change XLVPositive Net Change XRTNegative Net Change XTNNegative Net Change XLRENegative Net Change EATZNegative Net Change CAVANo Net Change

Mark Vickery

Record Closing Highs Amid Interest Rate Catch-22

This CPI report put the domestic inflation trajectory back on the "soft landing" path, where it had veered away from somewhat.

WMTNegative Net Change CSCONegative Net Change

Mark Vickery

CPI Down 1st Time in 2024, Pre-Markets Up

The Inflation Rate was +3.4%, 10 bps lower than the previous month and well off the peak +9.1% from June 2022.

QQQNegative Net Change SPYNegative Net Change DIANegative Net Change

Mark Vickery

Nasdaq Closes at New Record High; CPI on Deck

Considering the challenges with PPI this morning, this demonstrates a bullish sentiment remaining in the market.

HDNegative Net Change GMENegative Net Change BOOTNegative Net Change SPWRNegative Net Change AMCNegative Net Change

Mark Vickery

PPI Shows Higher Wholesale Inflation; Meme Stocks Rule (Again)

Certain Producer Price levels are the hottest we've seen in a year. Speaking of hot, have you seen SPWR, GME and AMC this morning?

GMENegative Net Change SPWRNegative Net Change AMCNegative Net Change

Mark Vickery

Dow Streak Ends; Inflation Data & Q1 Earnings Ahead

Also, news about next-level OpenAI offerings add to the stew for nourishing market activity.

HDNegative Net Change QQQNegative Net Change SPYNegative Net Change DIANegative Net Change

Andrew Rocco

Embracing Market Dynamics as Inflation Data Looms

As investors wait for key economic events, they are bracing for short-term volatility. While the data points to volatility in the short-term, the intermediate/long term picture appears to be bullish.

GMENegative Net Change SPYNegative Net Change AMCNegative Net Change BABANegative Net Change FUTUNegative Net Change

Mark Vickery

Big Inflation Prints on Deck This Week

Consumer Price Index (CPI) numbers for April will be preceded by the Producer Price Index (PPI) wholesale report on Tuesday.

MNegative Net Change WMTNegative Net Change CSCONegative Net Change DENegative Net Change HDNegative Net Change TCEHYPositive Net Change BABANegative Net Change TMENegative Net Change

Mark Vickery

Pre-Markets in the Green; Next Week Heats Up for Data

Big inflation reports - from CPI to Housing Starts - join another heavy week in Q1 releases starting Monday.

SBUXPositive Net Change CMGPositive Net Change NVDANegative Net Change AALNegative Net Change WINGPositive Net Change SPOTPositive Net Change UBERPositive Net Change

Mark Vickery

Pre-Markets Blossom on Goldilocks Jobs Data

175K new jobs and +0.2% wage growth are both lower than expected but still clearly positive.

QQQNegative Net Change SPYNegative Net Change DIANegative Net Change

Mark Vickery

Pre-Markets Up on Thin Jobless Claims, Productivity

Jobless Claims stayed low, Q1 Productivity was light, but Unit Labor Costs jumped high month over month.

AAPLPositive Net Change COPNegative Net Change EXPEPositive Net Change WENNegative Net Change BKNGPositive Net Change

Bryan Hayes

All Eyes on Fed Rate Decision: Key Stocks to Watch

Investors are hoping to avoid a replay of January's outcome, which saw the worst performance for the S&P 500 on a Fed day dating back to March 2023.

AMZNNegative Net Change AMDNegative Net Change PINSNegative Net Change

Shaun Pruitt

Top Stocks to Buy with Rising EPS Estimates After Earnings

These companies saw their stocks spike after impressively beating earnings expectations last week and more upside could be ahead considering EPS estimates for fiscal 2024 have trended higher afterwards.

VLOPositive Net Change RMDNegative Net Change AEMNegative Net Change APPFNegative Net Change

Mark Vickery

PCE In-Line to Warmer, Pre-Market Calms; ABBV Beats, XOM Misses

Pre-market futures are up across the board: +106 points on the Dow, +45 points on the S&P 500 and +195 on the Nasdaq immediately following this important data's release.

XOMNegative Net Change ABBVPositive Net Change

Mark Vickery

Is "Bad News" Still "Good News" for the Market?

If we're looking for the Fed to lower interest rates, don't we need softer economic data like what we saw today?

INTCNegative Net Change AZNPositive Net Change MSFTNegative Net Change CATNegative Net Change IBMNegative Net Change LUVNegative Net Change AALNegative Net Change GOOGLNegative Net Change SNAPNegative Net Change METAPositive Net Change