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Mark Vickery

CPI, Jobless Claims Brings Goldilocks Scenario

Today brings us the slimmest Inflation Rate we've seen since March 2021 -- back when inflation was going the opposite direction.

DALPositive Net Change PEPNegative Net Change QQQNegative Net Change SPYNegative Net Change DIANegative Net Change

Mark Vickery

Back-Ended Week: CPI, PPI, Q2 Earnings

Major inflation reports, combined with some of the top companies at the front end of Q2 earnings season, will bring us to a new level of understanding.

WFCNegative Net Change JPMNegative Net Change CPositive Net Change DALPositive Net Change PEPNegative Net Change

Tracey Ryniec

Bear of the Day: AMN Healthcare (AMN)

When will travel nurse demand return?

AMNPositive Net Change

Mark Vickery

BLS Jobs +206K, Big Downward Revisions

Job revisions to the previous two months reached triple-digits, -110K, to 218K in May and 108K in April.

QQQNegative Net Change SPYNegative Net Change DIANegative Net Change

Mark Vickery

ADP Payrolls +150K; Jobless Claims Climb Higher

While ADP private-sector payrolls were light of estimates, new and longer-term jobless claims reached new multi-year highs.

ADPNegative Net Change STZNegative Net Change QQQNegative Net Change SPYNegative Net Change DIANegative Net Change PARANegative Net Change

Mark Vickery

Q2 Auto Sales, May JOLTS Data Higher than Expected

Q2 auto sales proved to be a pretty good quarter, and JOLTS data for May was also higher than expected.

TMNegative Net Change ADPNegative Net Change GMNegative Net Change TSLANegative Net Change

Mark Vickery

Markets Look for Weaker JOLTS Data; Tesla Outperforms in Q2

May JOLTS data, out today at 10am ET, is expected to show 7.9 million job openings that month. This would be the lowest we've seen since February 2021.

ADPNegative Net Change TSLANegative Net Change

Mark Vickery

Holiday-Shortened Jobs Week: What Would Downward Surprises Bring?

Projections currently are for fewer than 200K new jobs filled last month and more than 230K new jobless claims for last week.

QQQNegative Net Change SPYNegative Net Change DIANegative Net Change

Mark Vickery

Jobless Claims Up, Consumption Down; Walgreens Down Big

New jobless claims shrank a tad, but longer-term came in the highest in 2 1/2 years.

QQQNegative Net Change SPYNegative Net Change DIANegative Net Change WBANegative Net Change

Mark Vickery

Economic Data Deluge: Claims, Starts, Philly Fed & More

From the labor market to homebuilding figures to regional manufacturing and a new account balance, we fill in a lot of gaps ahead of today's opening bell.

QQQNegative Net Change SPYNegative Net Change DIANegative Net Change

Mark Vickery

Labor Heats Up Again: Jobs +272K, Unemployment +4.0%

While it's nice to see a strong domestic labor force, it throws cold water on the notion of near-term rate cuts.

QQQNegative Net Change SPYNegative Net Change DIANegative Net Change

Mark Vickery

Economic Progress in U.S., Europe: ECB, Jobless Claims & More

ECB President Christine Lagarde said underlying pressure in the European economy has eased.

MSCINegative Net Change QQQNegative Net Change SPYNegative Net Change DIANegative Net Change

Mark Vickery

Jobs, Services Data Lead to Green Markets

S&P and ISM Services PMI were accommodating this morning, along with ADP payrolls. LULU beats, while FIVE misses.

ADPNegative Net Change LULUNegative Net Change FIVEPositive Net Change

Mark Vickery

ADP Payrolls Depict Cooling Labor Market

ADP numbers for May came down for the second month in a row to 152K from a downwardly revised 188K for March.

ADPNegative Net Change QQQNegative Net Change SPYNegative Net Change DIANegative Net Change

Mark Vickery

JOLTS Drops to Lowest Levels in 3+ Years

Private-sector payrolls from ADP are out tomorrow ahead of the bell, as Jobs Week continues.

ADPNegative Net Change PVHNegative Net Change HPENegative Net Change CRWDNegative Net Change

Mark Vickery

Paramount Merger Not Yet Wrapped, BBWI Beats with Lower Guidance

Both Paramount and Skydance are reported to have agreed to terms, but some questions have surfaced regarding the $2 billion for its National Amusements segment.

FNegative Net Change PVHNegative Net Change HPENegative Net Change CRWDNegative Net Change BBWINegative Net Change PARANegative Net Change

Mark Vickery

Markets Mixed on Manufacturing & Construction Data

Non-residential construction -- a read on enterprise office spaces, etc. -- has been coming down fast over the past several months.

NVDANegative Net Change QQQNegative Net Change SPYNegative Net Change DIANegative Net Change

Mark Vickery

Markets Mixed on Manufacturing & Construction Data

Generally softer data points here allude to a slow-down, which is essential for the Fed to at last consider lowering interest rates.

NVDANegative Net Change QQQNegative Net Change SPYNegative Net Change DIANegative Net Change

John Blank

A.I. Reshapes Corporate America: Global Week Ahead

An "AI boom" is showing up across Corporate America. "It looks real," says Zacks Chief Strategist John Blank.

BHPNegative Net Change AALNegative Net Change GOLDNegative Net Change TYLNegative Net Change VSTNegative Net Change

Mark Vickery

A Quiet Start to a New Jobs Week

As we continue to look for weakness in the domestic economy, one key element would be erosion in the labor market.

DLTRNegative Net Change LULUNegative Net Change NIONegative Net Change CRWDNegative Net Change

Mark Vickery

Nasdaq Pre-Market Basks in NVIDIA's Shine

NVIDIA, which reported an astonishing +595% earnings growth year over year yesterday, is up +7% in today's pre-market.

NVDANegative Net Change SMCINegative Net Change

Mark Vickery

Jobless Claims & Starts/Permits Down, Imports & WMT Up

Walmart (WMT) shares are up nicely after Q1 earnings came out this morning.

WMTNegative Net Change QQQNegative Net Change SPYNegative Net Change DIANegative Net Change

Mark Vickery

Jobless Claims Up, Retail Continues to Soften

Initial Jobless Claims posted higher than expected for the first time in several weeks.

PLNTNegative Net Change RBLXPositive Net Change

Mark Vickery

A Cooler Start to the Trading Week; TSN Mixed, SAVE Misses

This week, we see some monthly reports on consumer activity and a lot of speeches from Fed members, but that???s about it.

SPGPositive Net Change VNONegative Net Change DISNegative Net Change TSNNegative Net Change SAVEPositive Net Change LYFTNegative Net Change UBERPositive Net Change PLTRNegative Net Change RDDTNegative Net Change

Mark Vickery

Pre-Markets Blossom on Goldilocks Jobs Data

175K new jobs and +0.2% wage growth are both lower than expected but still clearly positive.

QQQNegative Net Change SPYNegative Net Change DIANegative Net Change